Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0029310Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2015-03-17 10:292015-03-17 10:31
0029310: Ordering the grid by a field with multiple identifiers can be confusing sometimes
Ordering the grid by a field with multiple identifiers can be confusing sometimes. If the table has as identifier a reference for another table that also has several identifiers, and one of these identifiers is also a foreign key the sorting is done by this column, which is confusing for the users as the ordering criteria is not using any of the displayed values for the record.

An example can be, having a view with two identifiers:

- quantity
- ma_wrphase_id

At the same time, ma_wrphase table has these identifiers:

- ma_work_requirement_id
- ma_process_id
- seqno

In this case, the application takes the ma_work_requirement_id as the column used for the ordering (see the attached query).
1) Install the following module[1]
2) Go to Outsourcing Goods Shipment
3) Select a record in Delivered status
4) Click on button Create Workeffort
5) Check the ordering of the first column

[1] [^]
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? order_query.sql (630) 2015-03-17 10:29
Issue History
2015-03-17 10:29caristuNew Issue
2015-03-17 10:29caristuAssigned To => AugustoMauch
2015-03-17 10:29caristuFile Added: order_query.sql
2015-03-17 10:29caristuModules => Core
2015-03-17 10:29caristuTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2015-03-17 10:31caristuDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=8006#r8006
2015-03-17 10:31caristuIssue Monitored: networkb

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