Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0029253Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2015-03-12 09:562015-04-01 08:31
Production - Confirmed Stable
3.0PR14Q3 [^]
0029253: Can't filter in numeric fields using the value 0
Is not possible to filter numeric fields using the value 0, the following error appears in the javascript console:

  "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'operator' of undefined"
1) Go to the Sales Order window
2) Try to filter by Delivery Status or Invoice Status fields , using the value 0
3) Notice that the filtering is not done and the error in description appears
blocks defect 0029248 closed AugustoMauch Can't filter in numeric fields using the value 0 
Issue History
2015-03-12 11:33AugustoMauchTypedefect => backport
2015-03-12 11:33AugustoMauchTarget Version => 3.0PR15Q1.2
2015-03-12 15:56AugustoMauchIssue Monitored: alostale
2015-03-12 15:56AugustoMauchReview Assigned To => alostale
2015-03-12 16:47hgbotCheckin
2015-03-12 16:47hgbotNote Added: 0075494
2015-03-12 16:47hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2015-03-12 16:47hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2015-03-12 16:47hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2015-03-13 11:47alostaleNote Added: 0075536
2015-03-13 11:47alostaleStatusresolved => closed
2015-03-13 11:47alostaleFixed in Version => 3.0PR15Q1.2
2015-03-13 20:08dmitry_mezentsevTag Attached: Approved
2015-04-01 08:07hgbotCheckin
2015-04-01 08:07hgbotNote Added: 0076210
2015-04-01 08:07hgbotStatusclosed => resolved
2015-04-01 08:07hgbotFixed in SCM revision [^] => [^]
2015-04-01 08:31priyamStatusresolved => closed
2015-04-01 08:31priyamNote Added: 0076266

2015-03-12 16:47   
Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR15Q1.2
Changeset: b2247094d2518e750d8c0fef33c702be4da71c1e
Author: Augusto Mauch <augusto.mauch <at>>
Date: Thu Mar 12 12:00:30 2015 +0100
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 29253: 0 can be used to filter numeric columns

In this changeset [1] this code was added to the OBNumberItem.parseValueExpressions function:

     ret = this.Super('parseValueExpressions', [value, fieldName, operator]);
+ // if operator is not supported remove it
+ if (!this.validOperators.contains(ret.operator)) {
+ ret.operator = '';
+ ret.value = '';
+ this.setValue('');
+ }
     if (ret && ret.start) {
       ret.start = this.convertToTypedValue(ret.start);

The problem is that if the provided value is 0, this.Super('parseValueExpressions', [value, fieldName, operator]) will return undefined. This happens because of a bug in smartclient's implementation of the
 parseValueExpressions function. This code is placed at the beginning of that function:

        if (!value) value = this.getValue();
        if (!value) return;
        if (!isc.isA.String(value)) value += "";

If the provided value is 0, the value will be taken from this.getValue(). The returned value will again be evaluated to false, so the function will not return any value. Right after that, there is a comman
d to convert the provided value to String.

To fix this, in the call to this.Super('parseValueExpressions'), the string representation of the number will be passed instead of its numerical value. This way smartclient will accept the value and will n
ot return undefined. Smartclient was already converting the passed values to String, so there is no risk there.

The value passed to the OBNumberItem.parseValueExpressions is not modified to prevent unexpected consequences. A copy of it is converted to string and passed to the this.Super('parseValueExpressions') func

[1] [^]

M modules/org.openbravo.client.application/web/org.openbravo.client.application/js/form/formitem/ob-formitem-number.js
2015-03-13 11:47   
code reviewed

tested in Sales Order delivery status (computed column) and total gross amount (regular column) with values:
-^3 (as reported in 0026305, in this case the filter is removed as it is not supported textual filters in numeric columns)
2015-04-01 08:07   
Repository: erp/backports/3.0PR15Q2
Changeset: b2247094d2518e750d8c0fef33c702be4da71c1e
Author: Augusto Mauch <augusto.mauch <at>>
Date: Thu Mar 12 12:00:30 2015 +0100
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 29253: 0 can be used to filter numeric columns

In this changeset [1] this code was added to the OBNumberItem.parseValueExpressions function:

     ret = this.Super('parseValueExpressions', [value, fieldName, operator]);
+ // if operator is not supported remove it
+ if (!this.validOperators.contains(ret.operator)) {
+ ret.operator = '';
+ ret.value = '';
+ this.setValue('');
+ }
     if (ret && ret.start) {
       ret.start = this.convertToTypedValue(ret.start);

The problem is that if the provided value is 0, this.Super('parseValueExpressions', [value, fieldName, operator]) will return undefined. This happens because of a bug in smartclient's implementation of the
 parseValueExpressions function. This code is placed at the beginning of that function:

        if (!value) value = this.getValue();
        if (!value) return;
        if (!isc.isA.String(value)) value += "";

If the provided value is 0, the value will be taken from this.getValue(). The returned value will again be evaluated to false, so the function will not return any value. Right after that, there is a comman
d to convert the provided value to String.

To fix this, in the call to this.Super('parseValueExpressions'), the string representation of the number will be passed instead of its numerical value. This way smartclient will accept the value and will n
ot return undefined. Smartclient was already converting the passed values to String, so there is no risk there.

The value passed to the OBNumberItem.parseValueExpressions is not modified to prevent unexpected consequences. A copy of it is converted to string and passed to the this.Super('parseValueExpressions') func

[1] [^]

M modules/org.openbravo.client.application/web/org.openbravo.client.application/js/form/formitem/ob-formitem-number.js
2015-04-01 08:31   
closed again, as the status changed due the merge tag of 3.0PR15Q1.2 to backports/3.0PR15Q2