Steps To Reproduce | -Install Spanish Translation
-Go to "Return to Vendor" window (no matter if session language is English or Spanish)
-Create a line
-Click on "Pick/Edit Lines" button
-Type "a" in the product filter
-Drop down list is opened (OK)
-"No items to show" message is displayed -> Error
-This error can appears is log
1f923ef8 1716159 [http-8080-2] ERROR org.openbravo.client.kernel.KernelUtils - unexpected token: t near line 1, column 2622 [select as id, iol.organization as organization, iol.client as client, iol.product as product, iol.uOM as uOM, as goodsShipmentLine, iol.movementQuantity as movementQuantity, iol.shipmentReceipt.businessPartner as businessPartner, iol.shipmentReceipt.documentNo as shipmentNumber, iol.shipmentReceipt.movementDate as movementDate, attributeSetValue as attributeSetValue, coalesce((select sum(ol.orderedQuantity) from OrderLine as ol left join ol.salesOrder as o where ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol and o.processed = true and o.documentStatus <> 'VO'), 0) as returnQtyOtherRM, (case when (select ('Y') from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol) is null then false else true end) as obSelected, coalesce((select ol.orderedQuantity from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol),0)*(-1) as returned, (select ol.returnReason from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol) as returnReason, coalesce((select from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol) , (select from ProcurementPOInvoiceMatch as e where e.goodsShipmentLine = iol)) as tax, (case when (select e.salesOrderLine.salesOrder.priceList.priceIncludesTax from ProcurementPOInvoiceMatch as e where e.goodsShipmentLine = iol) = true then coalesce((select ol.unitPrice from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol), (select e.salesOrderLine.grossUnitPrice from ProcurementPOInvoiceMatch as e where e.goodsShipmentLine = iol)) else coalesce((select ol.unitPrice from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol), (select e.salesOrderLine.unitPrice from ProcurementPOInvoiceMatch as e where e.goodsShipmentLine = iol)) end) as unitPrice, (select e.salesOrderLine.salesOrder.documentNo from ProcurementPOInvoiceMatch as e where e.goodsShipmentLine = iol) as orderNo FROM MaterialMgmtShipmentInOutLine as iol left join iol.attributeSetValue as attributeSetValue join iol.shipmentReceipt as io where = :businessPartnerId and io.processed = true and io.documentStatus <> 'VO' and io.salesTransaction = false and 1 = 1 and in ('0', '23C59575B9CF467C9620760EB255B389') AND iol.organization in ('E443A31992CB4635AFCAEABE7183CE85','0','19404EAD144C49A0AF37D54377CF452D','B843C30461EA4501935CB1D125C9C25A') AND ( = :alias_0 or upper((COALESCE(to_char((select name from ProductTrl as t t.product = product and t.language.language='en_US')), to_char(, ''))) like upper(:alias_1) escape '|' ) AND (io.movementDate >= (now() - 90) or (case when (select ('Y') from OrderLine as ol where = :salesOrderId and ol.goodsShipmentLine = iol) is null then false else true end) = true) ORDER BY obSelected desc, obSelected desc, io.movementDate desc, io.documentNo desc, iol.lineNo]