Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0026809Retail ModulesDiscounts and Promotionspublic2014-06-06 09:012014-06-06 09:01
20Community Appliance
0026809: amount discount is wrong with gift discount and "buy X pay Y" discount applied in the same line
if two discounts are applied in the same line, one of them is "Buy X and get Y as gift" and the other is "Buy X pay Y of different product", the discount is wrong
. disc2: "Buy X and get Y as gift"
  . discount subtype: lowest
  . distribute between lines: Yes
  . priority: 10
  . only those products
  . products:
    P1 (price: 75) - quantity: 1
    P2 (price: 35) - gift product: Y - gift quantity: 1

. disc2: "Buy X pay Y of different product"
  . X units: 3
  . Y units: 2
  . discount subtype: lowest
  . distribute between lines: Yes
  . priority: 50
  . only those products
  . products:
    P1 (price: 75)
    P3 (price: 60)

. new receipt:
 . P1 qty 5
 . p3 qty 1
 . P2 qty 1

Total amount is 416 and it should be 375
(see file attached)
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png errorDiscounts2.png (265,497) 2014-06-06 09:01
Issue History
2014-06-06 09:01malsasuaNew Issue
2014-06-06 09:01malsasuaAssigned To => malsasua
2014-06-06 09:01malsasuaFile Added: errorDiscounts2.png
2014-06-06 09:01malsasuaTriggers an Emergency Pack => No

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