Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0026483ModulesService Contract Managementpublic2014-05-07 06:522014-06-05 06:56
0026483: Service Contract not computing usage for line in below mentioned scenario
Service contract is not computing the usage for the usage line.
1. Enter a subscription with header as below :
   Start date = 05/06/2014
   End Date = Null (no end date)
   Invoicing Schedule with Regular Service Frequency = “ At Signature - renewal“ and Metered Service as Monthly.

2. Enter subscribed service line as below
   Enter a product with basket
   Start date as 05/06/2014
   End date as 06/05/2014 (One Month duration for the line)
   Enter quantity = Zero (this is our pay as you go scenario)
   Enter the net unit price 1.00 (in case it does not come from the price list)

3. Now click complete button at the header level and create a billing schedule for this subscription.

4. Now enter a usage line as below (the usage start date is outside of the line start and end date)

   Usage Start date = 06/10/2014
   Usage end date = 06/10/2014
   Enter a basket product
   Enter quantity = 1000

5. Click on the compute Usage button. The computation of the above line does not happen.

We are expecting the computation of the usage line must happened even if there is no corresponding subscribed service line with that start date. This is the most common scenario called Pay as you go.

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Issue History
2014-05-07 06:52sjkumarNew Issue
2014-05-07 06:52sjkumarAssigned To => vmromanos
2014-05-07 10:12vmromanosAssigned Tovmromanos => naiaramartinez
2014-05-20 12:32vmromanosNote Added: 0067301
2014-05-20 12:32vmromanosStatusnew => feedback
2014-05-30 12:12vmromanosReview Assigned To => vmromanos
2014-05-30 12:12vmromanosNote Added: 0067618
2014-05-30 12:12vmromanosStatusfeedback => closed
2014-05-30 12:12vmromanosResolutionopen => invalid
2014-06-05 06:56sjkumarNote Added: 0067769

2014-05-20 12:32   
The computation doesn't take place because the usage date doesn't fit into any subscribed service line date range.

Two comments on the way you have configured this scenario:
1. To indicate a pay as you go, we designed the flag "Do Not Generate Invoice Plan Lines" at the Subscribed Services tab. (It's likely that this flag has a different label in your environment). You should use this flag to avoid creating billing schedule lines

2. What is the purpose of setting a subscribed services line with a 1 month duration when you expect usages after it? IMHO this configuration has no sense.
2014-05-30 12:12   
Closed: This is the expected behaviour. See previous note for details
2014-06-05 06:56   
We want to re-open the issue.I clicked on the 'REOPEN' button but it gives access denial error. Hence just updating the note.

OB recommended we should put the subscribed service end date way up in future. In this way, the usage date will fall in the subscribed service line date range and will compute usage. But this also does not work for scenarios where pre-paid becomes pay as you go post expiration of subscribed service line.