Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0026202Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2014-04-08 09:572014-05-05 13:01
closedno change required 
0026202: Big combos causing performance problems.
Warning: In the window Sales Order, in tab Lines the combo fields inpcOrderDiscountId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad
performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number
of entries in the combo.
Warning: In the window Production Run, in tab Production Run the combo fields inpmaWrphaseId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause
bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the
number of entries in the combo.
Warning: In the window Product, in tab Product the combo fields inpmaProcessplanId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad
performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number
of entries in the combo.
Warning: In the window Process Plan, in tab Operation the combo fields inpmaProcessplanVersionId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could
cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce
the number of entries in the combo.
Warning: In the window Process Plan, in tab I/O Products the combo fields inpmaSequenceId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad
performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number
of entries in the combo.
Warning: In the window Product, in tab Factory References the combo fields inpmProductId2 contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad
performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number
of entries in the combo.

bc4ec62b 2014-04-08 11:07:09,868 [TP-Processor72] WARN org.openbravo.client.application.window.FormInitializationComponent - Warning: In the window Production Run, in tab Defects the combo fields inpmProductionlineId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number of entries in the combo.
bc4ec62b 2014-04-08 11:07:30,324 [TP-Processor30] WARN org.openbravo.client.application.window.FormInitializationComponent - Warning: In the window Sales Invoice, in tab Reversed Invoices the combo fields inpcInvoiceId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number of entries in the combo.
bc4ec62b 2014-04-08 11:07:30,888 [TP-Processor78] WARN org.openbravo.client.application.window.FormInitializationComponent - Warning: In the window Sales Invoice, in tab Reversed Invoices the combo fields inpcInvoiceId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number of entries in the combo.

bc4ec62b 2014-04-08 11:09:04,952 [TP-Processor61] WARN org.openbravo.client.application.window.FormInitializationComponent - Warning: In the window Labels, in tab Labels the combo fields inpmInventorylineId,inpmProductionlineId,inpmInoutlineId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number of entries in the combo.

61788dfd 2014-04-08 04:59:51,445 [TP-Processor11] WARN org.openbravo.client.application.window.FormInitializationComponent - Warning: In the window Financial Account, in tab Transaction the combo fields inpfinReconciliationId contain more than 1000 entries, and this could cause bad performance in the application. Possible fixes include changing these columns from a combo into a Selector, or adding a validation to reduce the number of entries in the combo.
Use the application with a big amount of data on tables such us ma_sequence,
m_product_id, ma_process_plan_version, ma_wrpahse, c_order_discount
Change the references to new selectors
related to feature request 00262673.0PR14Q3 closed shankarb Re-implement combos (table and tableDir) to use datasources 
Issue History
2014-04-08 09:57egoitzNew Issue
2014-04-08 09:57egoitzAssigned To => AugustoMauch
2014-04-08 09:57egoitzModules => Core
2014-04-08 09:57egoitzTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2014-04-08 09:58egoitzTag Attached: Performance
2014-04-08 09:58egoitzIssue Monitored: networkb
2014-04-08 12:14egoitzDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5668#r5668
2014-04-08 12:43egoitzResolution time => 1398722400
2014-04-08 12:43egoitzPrioritynormal => urgent
2014-04-08 13:00egoitzDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=5669#r5669
2014-04-08 13:20egoitzTarget Version => PR14Q3
2014-04-24 09:10alostaleRelationship addedrelated to 0026267
2014-05-05 13:01jonalegriaesarteNote Added: 0066811
2014-05-05 13:01jonalegriaesarteStatusnew => closed
2014-05-05 13:01jonalegriaesarteResolutionopen => no change required

2014-05-05 13:01   
This bug is part of the re-implementation of the selectors that will be included in Q3 release