Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0024903Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2013-10-08 01:162014-08-14 13:08
0024903: Improve the use of attributes - expiration date- on the purchases
Improve the use of expiration date on the purchases.
Right now when doing a purchase order or goodsreceipt, if you select a product and then open the attribute selector and enter a expiration date, the process creates a new instance when completing the document.

The process should check if other instances of the product with that expiration date exists, and in that case update the stock.
-Define a new attribute set and check the expiration date
-Define a new product and assign the attribute set created.
-Create a goods receipt with one line and the previous product. Quantity 10.
-Open the attribute selector and define an expiration date.
-Complete the receipt.
-execute the stock report to see that you have 10 units of the new product
-Create the a new goods receipt.
-Add a new line with quantity 5 and the same locator than the previous receipt.
-Open the attribute selector and define the same expiration date.
-complete the receipt.
-Execute the stock report. You will see on the report two entries for the same product, one with qty 5 and other with 10, and both with the same expiration date.
-Update the qty when the attribute select is equals than other on the same locator.
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Issue History
2013-10-08 01:16egoitzNew Issue
2013-10-08 01:16egoitzAssigned To => dmiguelez
2013-10-08 01:16egoitzModules => Core
2013-10-08 01:16egoitzTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2014-08-14 13:08ngarciaIssue Monitored: ngarcia

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