Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Retail Modules
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0024384Retail ModulesWeb POSpublic2013-07-19 13:072013-07-24 08:39
normalminorhave not tried
0024384: It would be great if the POS would check if the partner exists when creating a new business partner
It would be great if the POS would check if the partner exists when creating a new business partner. Actually, when the user makes a mistake searching for an existing customer, the system creates a new customer without check if it exists in the process. This generates a duplicated customer in the system
- Search for a customer that exists, but making a mistake in the name. That means that the system does not find it
- Create a new customer, the customer is duplicated in the system
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Issue History
2013-07-19 13:07jonalegriaesarteNew Issue
2013-07-19 13:07jonalegriaesarteAssigned To => marvintm
2013-07-19 21:34anherzogIssue Monitored: anherzog
2013-07-24 08:39rtaxerxesNote Added: 0060218

2013-07-24 08:39   
I second the request. Duplicate clients are already being created in our 1 week old deployment of WebPOS.