Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0024165Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2013-06-21 14:332013-06-26 12:29
0024165: Exchange rate on Sales Invoice is not used for posting
When using a specific exchange rate for a product it is not used for the posting. I think this was already reported on closed bug 21743. Also maybe related to issue 17267.

In the posting I don't really know what exchange rate was used, but it wasn't the one in the exchange rates tab. From Eur to USD for today's date (conversion rates screen) would be 1200 X 0.735294 = 882.3528 while in accounting tab it reflects 833.33, but maybe that is a rounding issue.
For F&B US:
- Create a payment method that is allowing for foreign currency
- add the payment method to a US BP
- set up a pricelist for EUR called in Int Price list
- add a product Cola for example to pricelist with price of 10
- add the pricelist to the same US BP
- Enter a sales invoice for the BP with the product
- Enter exchange rate (that is different from conversion rate of the org) for example 1.2
- Complete the invoice and post
You see that the foreign amount on the exchange rates tab is different that the amount in the Accounting tab
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png Exchangerate1.png (107,734) 2013-06-21 14:33

png exchangerate2.png (84,094) 2013-06-21 14:34

png exchangerate3.png (126,552) 2013-06-21 14:34
Issue History
2013-06-21 14:33RenateNieuwkoopNew Issue
2013-06-21 14:33RenateNieuwkoopAssigned To => dmiguelez
2013-06-21 14:33RenateNieuwkoopFile Added: Exchangerate1.png
2013-06-21 14:33RenateNieuwkoopModules => Core
2013-06-21 14:33RenateNieuwkoopTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2013-06-21 14:34RenateNieuwkoopFile Added: exchangerate2.png
2013-06-21 14:34RenateNieuwkoopFile Added: exchangerate3.png
2013-06-26 10:33dmiguelezAssigned Todmiguelez => jonalegriaesarte
2013-06-26 11:21pramakrishnanAssigned Tojonalegriaesarte => pramakrishnan
2013-06-26 11:22pramakrishnanStatusnew => scheduled
2013-06-26 11:22pramakrishnanfix_in_branch => pi
2013-06-26 11:29pramakrishnanNote Added: 0059670
2013-06-26 11:35pramakrishnanNote Added: 0059671
2013-06-26 11:36pramakrishnanTypedefect => design defect
2013-06-26 11:36pramakrishnanfix_in_branchpi =>
2013-06-26 11:37pramakrishnanStatusscheduled => acknowledged
2013-06-26 11:37pramakrishnanAssigned Topramakrishnan => dmiguelez
2013-06-26 12:29RenateNieuwkoopNote Added: 0059676

2013-06-26 11:29   
The exchange rate must have been defined for EUR -> USD for this case to consider the document level exchange rate. But its defined for USD -> EUR and so the posting considers the exchange rates from the conversion rate window
2013-06-26 11:35   
The "from currency" in the exchange rate tab should always be same as the document's currency. But when we do the following steps, its causing inconsistencies.

1. Create a sales invoice in Organization F&B US East Coast with currency USD.
2. Now enter the exchange rate from USD-> EUR. Do not add lines
3. Update the business partner and the pricelist(with currency EUR) in the invoice header.
4. Notice that the document currency becomes EUR, but we have the exchange rate defined for USD->EUR which will never be used.
2013-06-26 12:29   
The currency that is set up in the exchange rate tab is the following:
 Go to the [Exchange rates] tab. Enter a new record
 Organization = F&B US, Inc.,
 Currency = EUR,
 To Currency = USD,
 Invoice = leave to default, which is this invoices number.
 Rate = 1.2,

So that was done correctly if I understand Prama's reasoning correctly, yet that exchange rate was not used for the posting.