Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0023324Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2013-03-18 08:512019-07-12 16:41
0023324: Preference to allow standard Openbravo widgets removal
Include a preference that allows the system administrator not to include on the workspace the "Welcome to Openbravo 3" and "Getting Started" widgets by default when creating a new role.

With this feature it will be possible to avoid undesired network traffic over the public internet and additional administrative overhead.
1) Create a new role
2) Assign this role to a user
3) Log-in into Openbravo
4) The first time we access with this new role, the "Welcome to Openbravo 3" and "Getting Started" widgets are included on the Workspace by default, (even with a Professional License)
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related to defect 0041346 closed cberner Remove Getting Started widget (half-not working and outdated) 
Issue History
2013-03-18 08:51caristuNew Issue
2013-03-18 08:51caristuAssigned To => AugustoMauch
2013-03-18 08:51caristuModules => Core
2013-03-18 08:51caristuTriggers an Emergency Pack => No
2013-03-18 08:57caristuIssue Monitored: networkb
2013-03-20 02:10caristuDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=4522#r4522
2013-05-17 15:12johnfandlIssue Monitored: johnfandl
2019-07-12 16:41shuehnerRelationship addedrelated to 0041346

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