Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0021600Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2012-09-11 10:162012-09-26 17:18
20Debian 5.0
0021600: Depreciate flag in Asset Group window
It makes sense to have a Depreciate flag in the Asset Group window to define whether the Assets belonging to this Asset Group should be depreciated or not.

The Depreciate flag inside the Assets window should be set by default to the value configured in the correspondent Asset Group.

The end-user should be able to manually override this value inside the Assets window
See desc.
1. Go to the Asset Group window
2. A flag called Depreciate should be displayed
3. When creating a new Asset, the depreciate value should be inherited from the Asset Group
4. The end-user should be able to manually override this value
Issue History
2012-09-11 10:16vmromanosNew Issue
2012-09-11 10:16vmromanosAssigned To => vmromanos
2012-09-11 10:16vmromanosModules => Core
2012-09-11 11:23vmromanosTag Attached: Coworking
2012-09-11 11:41vmromanosStatusnew => scheduled
2012-09-11 11:41vmromanosfix_in_branch => pi
2012-09-11 15:11vmromanosNote Added: 0051994
2012-09-12 09:21hgbotCheckin
2012-09-12 09:21hgbotNote Added: 0052011
2012-09-12 09:21hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2012-09-12 09:21hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2012-09-12 09:21hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2012-09-26 09:49dmiguelezClosed by => dmiguelez
2012-09-26 09:49dmiguelezNote Added: 0052602
2012-09-26 09:49dmiguelezStatusresolved => closed
2012-09-26 17:18hudsonbotCheckin
2012-09-26 17:18hudsonbotNote Added: 0052730

2012-09-11 15:11   
Test plan:
1. Go to the Asset Group window
2. A flag called Depreciate should be displayed
3. Create a new Asset Group, called YES, and set the Depreciate = Y
4. Create a new Asset Group, called NO, and set the Depreciate = N
5. Go to Assets window
6. Create a new Asset
7. The Depreciate flag value is inherited from the selected Asset Group
8. Change the Asset Group to YES. The Depreciate flag should be automatically set to Y
9. Change the Asset Group to NO. The Depreciate flag should be automatically set to N
10. Change the depreciate value to YES and save the record. No error should be displayed.
2012-09-12 09:21   
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: b371ec37d9b43665e50d6f6bec2f2a8bfad5b9e0
Author: Víctor Martínez Romanos <victor.martinez <at>>
Date: Tue Sep 11 15:27:40 2012 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed bug 21600: Depreciate flag in Asset Group window
Depreciate field is displayed into the Asset Group window (removed
from configScript)
The Depreciate field inside the Assets window inherits from the
selected Asset Category. The SL_Depreciate callout has been developed
for managing this requirement.

M modules/org.openbravo.v3/src-db/database/configScript.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_CALLOUT.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_COLUMN.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_FIELD.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_MODEL_OBJECT.xml
M src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_MODEL_OBJECT_MAPPING.xml
A src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_callouts/
2012-09-26 09:49   
Code Review + Testing OK
2012-09-26 17:18   
A changeset related to this issue has been promoted main and to the
Central Repository, after passing a series of tests.

Promotion changeset: [^]

Maturity status: Test