Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0021578Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2012-09-07 13:442012-09-14 10:22
0021578: It should not be possible to reactivate a Purchase Order that is related to an Invoice
It should not be possible to reactivate a Purchase Order that is related to a Purchase Invoice
1) Go to the [Puchase Order] window and create a new order with one line at least. Book it.

2) Go to the [Purchase Invoice] window and create a new invoice for the same business partner of the order created in 1).

3) Click in the Create Lines From button and select the purchase order created in 1). Complete the invoice.

4) Go back to the [Purchase Order] window, and try to reactivate the order by clicking in the Close button and choosing the Reactivate option. The application completes the operation successfully.
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Issue History
2012-09-07 13:44caristuNew Issue
2012-09-07 13:44caristuAssigned To => dmiguelez
2012-09-07 13:44caristuModules => Core
2012-09-07 13:44caristuResolution time => 1351116000
2012-09-07 13:45caristuIssue Monitored: networkb
2012-09-07 13:58dmiguelezAssigned Todmiguelez => jonalegriaesarte
2012-09-07 17:57jonalegriaesarteAssigned Tojonalegriaesarte => ioritzCia
2012-09-14 10:04ioritzCiaNote Added: 0052108
2012-09-14 10:04ioritzCiaAssigned ToioritzCia => dmiguelez
2012-09-14 10:22ioritzCiaTypedefect => design defect

2012-09-14 10:04   
- Both flows, either the sales one or the purchase one work the same way. If you have a discount line it does not let you reactivate. This is due to a trigger in c_orderline, which does not let you to delete the discount line when attempting to reactivate.

- If you have a discount line either in puchase or in sales flow it does not let you to reactivate. If you do not have it, it does let you in either flows.

- A completely invoiced order should not be possible to reactivate. Defining when an order has been completely invoiced takes a deep analysis and therefore, this issue is established as a design defect.