Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0021370Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2012-08-16 12:492012-08-27 10:14
20Ubuntu 8.04.1
0021370: Price Limit column should not be shown in the "Product Selector" window
Price Limit column should not be shown in the "Product Selector" window
Navigate to Sales Invoice window and create a new invoice.
Go to Lines and launch the product selector window.
Realize that this version of the product selector shows a field which is hidden all around Openbravo. That field is the "Price Limit" field.
It is not necessary to show the price limit field in the product selector.
No tags attached.
Issue History
2012-08-16 12:49psanjuanNew Issue
2012-08-16 12:49psanjuanAssigned To => mirurita
2012-08-16 12:49psanjuanModules => Core
2012-08-27 09:21naiaramartinezAssigned Tomirurita => naiaramartinez
2012-08-27 09:21naiaramartinezStatusnew => scheduled
2012-08-27 09:21naiaramartinezfix_in_branch => pi
2012-08-27 10:14naiaramartinezNote Added: 0051557

2012-08-27 10:14   
Test Plan:
  Go to the following windows - tabs:
    'Purchase Invoice'-'Lines'
    'Sales Invoice'-'Lines'
    'Volume Discount'-'Product'
    'Price Adjustments'-'Products'
    'Business Partner'-'Product Template'
    'RFC Order Pick / Edit Lines'-'Pick / Edit Lines'
    'Service Project'-'Project Line'
    'Costing Rules'-'Costing Rule'
    'Matched Invoices'-'Matched Invoice'
    'MRP Forecast'-'Lines'
    'RM Shipment Pick and Edit'-'Pick Edit Lines'
    'Return from Customer'-'Lines'
    'Return to Vendor'-'Lines'
    'Purchase Order'-'Lines'
    'Sales Order'-'Lines'
    'Accounting Schema'-'Account Schema Element'
    'Goods Transaction'-'Goods Transaction'
    'Warehouse and Storage Bins'-'Product Transactions'
    'Price List Schema'-'Lines'
    'Multiphase Project'-'Project Phase'
    'Sales Invoice'-'Payment Details'
    'Purchase Invoice'-'Payment Details'
    'Business Partner Info'-'Partner Assets'
    'External Point of Sales'-'Products'
    'Financial Account'-'Accounting History'
    'Purchasing Plan'-'Header'
    'Financial Account'-'Accounting'
    'Service Project'-'Proposal Line'
    'Product'-'Product customer'
    'RM Receipt Pick and Edit'-'Pick / Edit lines'
    'Financial Account'-'Transaction'
    'Purchasing Plan'-'Lines'
    'Product'-'Costing Rule'
    'Multiphase Project'-'Project Task'
    'Matched Purchase Orders'-'Matched Purchase Order'
    'Warehouse and Storage Bins'-'Bin Contents'
    'Accounting Transaction Details'-'Header'
    'Project Type'-'Standard Phase'
    'Sales Invoice'-'Payment Details (old)'
    'Purchase Invoice'-'Payment Details (old)'
    'Sales Order'-'Payment Details'
    'Purchase Order'-'Payment Details'
    'Return to Vendor'-'Payment Out Details'
    'Return from Customer'-'Payment In Details'
    'Payment In'-'Lines'
    'Payment Out'-'Lines'
    'Project Type'-'Standard Task'
Check that in that tabs, in product selector window the field 'Price Limit' is not shown.