Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0020797Openbravo ERP01. General setuppublic2012-06-18 18:022012-08-06 11:46
0020797: Show the number of alerts for each rule as well as the total number of alerts
Show the number of alerts for each rule as well as the total number of alerts.

The application is now showing the total number of alerts in each status: new, pending, ignore, solved...

It would be nice if the Alert Management could show also the number of alerts for each alert rule in each status.
As Group Admin Role:
   Go to the Alert Management Window (next to the logged user)
   Notice that only the total amount of alerts of each status is showed
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Issue History
2012-06-18 18:02ngarciaNew Issue
2012-06-18 18:02ngarciaAssigned To => mirurita
2012-06-18 18:02ngarciaModules => Core
2012-08-06 11:46naiaramartinezAssigned Tomirurita => jonalegriaesarte

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