Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0020701Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2012-06-07 13:282022-02-01 08:09
Triage Platform Base 
0020701: The datetime selector does not allow to specify the time
When defining a field using datetime reference, the selector popup does not allow to specify the hour. Only the date can be selected, then the field is set with time 00:00:00

apart of that the field is not automatically filled field, and the mask is not applied while writing the hour.

-Add a new column into a table using timestamp
-Define the new column on application dictionary using datetime reference
-Define the field for the new column
-compile the application and restart tomcat
-login again and go to the table where the field has been open.

*open the select and see that hour can not be defined.
*Write on the field, and see that the mask is not applied automatically
*The autofill field functionality should work adding the current date time as is done on time fields with current date.
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has duplicate design defect 0020563 closed alostale In Process Request window, Start Date doesn't change depending on our timezone 
related to design defect 0025284 closed alostale When changing the value of a datetime field using the date selector, the time is changed to the current time 
Issue History
2012-06-07 13:28egoitzNew Issue
2012-06-07 13:28egoitzAssigned To => dbaz
2012-06-07 13:28egoitzModules => Core
2012-06-07 13:29jonalegriaesarteTarget Version3.0MP14 => 3.0MP13
2012-06-07 13:34egoitzAssigned Todbaz => alostale
2012-06-07 13:34egoitzCategoryB. User interface => A. Platform
2012-06-07 13:35egoitzNote Added: 0049674
2012-06-07 13:35egoitzTypedesign defect => defect
2012-06-07 13:35egoitzDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3531#r3531
2012-06-08 09:07alostaleNote Added: 0049698
2012-06-08 09:07alostaleTypedefect => design defect
2012-06-08 09:33alostaleTarget Version3.0MP13 =>
2012-09-24 12:36AugustoMauchNote Added: 0052324
2012-09-24 12:36AugustoMauchPriorityurgent => low
2012-09-24 12:36AugustoMauchStatusnew => scheduled
2012-09-24 12:40AugustoMauchRelationship addedhas duplicate 0020563
2013-09-09 08:55eintelauIssue Monitored: eintelau
2013-12-10 15:05alostaleRelationship addedrelated to 0025284
2017-03-31 14:36alostaleStatusscheduled => acknowledged
2017-04-10 14:33alostaleAssigned Toalostale => platform
2022-02-01 08:09alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Platform Base

2012-06-07 13:35   
On Openbravo 2.50 it works properly.
2012-06-08 09:07   
Updating to design defect: SmartClient doesn't provide a widget for editing date + time. Fixing this issue, requires to design a custom component for it.
2012-09-24 12:36   
Effort: 10
Impact: low
Plan: long