Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0020490Openbravo ERPC. Securitypublic2012-05-14 13:392022-02-01 08:08
Triage Platform Base 
0020490: It is possible to login with the same user from two clients at the same time to the same application.
the same username can be used to access to the application at the same time to one application.

It could be good to be able to prevent that behaviour and don't allow login to an application with a user if the username has been alredy logged.
If the seesion of the username is still active.
-Access to an application with username from one computer
-Access tot he same application with the same user from other computer
-Add a preference to prevent accessing with the same user if the user has been already logged and the session is still active
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Issue History
2012-05-14 13:39egoitzNew Issue
2012-05-14 13:39egoitzAssigned To => alostale
2012-05-14 13:39egoitzModules => Core
2017-04-10 14:37alostaleAssigned Toalostale => platform
2022-02-01 08:08alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Platform Base

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