Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0020306Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2012-04-19 08:522015-05-06 10:00
normalminorhave not tried
0020306: Goods receipt storage bin selection mandatory in pending goods receipt screen, but not directly in lines of goods receipt
There is a difference between entering a product in Goods Receipt, then add lines, because the storage bin is not mandatory. However, if you enter the goods receipt through the Pending Goods Receipts screen, the field is mandatory.
Especially for the non-stocked product that I tested with having the field mandatory does not make sense.
Enter a goods receipt for certain vendor and add a line for the product IT Global Services. Leave the storage bin blank. Process the goods receipt.

Now first add a purchase order for the same product. Go to Pending Goods Receipts, select the product and try to process with leaving the storage bin blank.
Make storage bin non mandatory by default in the Pending Goods Receipts screen.
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Issue History
2012-04-19 08:52RenateNieuwkoopNew Issue
2012-04-19 08:52RenateNieuwkoopAssigned To => vmromanos
2012-04-19 08:52RenateNieuwkoopModules => Core
2012-04-19 08:56RenateNieuwkoopNote Added: 0047726
2012-05-10 12:12gorka_gilAssigned Tovmromanos => mirurita
2013-03-05 10:31ucayquoteNote Added: 0057035
2013-03-06 02:41ucayquoteNote Edited: 0057035bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0057035#r4465
2015-05-06 10:00eugeniIssue Monitored: eugeni

2012-04-19 08:56   
An even better solution would be to have the field as mandatory for stocked products in both screens and non mandatory for non-stocked products.
2013-03-05 10:31   
(edited on: 2013-03-06 02:41)
Still an opened issue?
How about give the default storage bin in Pending Good Receipt that taken from the Purchase Order.
So, do not need to choose storage bin anymore if it's already set.
It annoys me when I do for lot of items (choose storage bin for each item) in Pending Good Receipt.