Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0019858Openbravo ERP07. Sales managementpublic2012-02-23 21:432012-03-02 15:39
Google Chrome
0019858: The "Goods Shipment" selector it doesn't work properly
The "Goods Shipment" selector it doesn't work properly.

In case that you create one "Goods Shipment" without any order related, this will not be able to be invoiced.

Apart from that,if you create one "Goods Shipment" with more than one order related, it is imposible to create an invoice from this "Goods Shipment"
As "Group Admin":
-go to window "Goods Shipment"
-create one record for BP "Hoteles Buenas Noches, S.A." and complete
-go to window "Sales Invoice" and create a header for the same BP.
-push in "Create Lines From" and see that you can not add the "Goods Shipment"

For the second case:
-create a "Sales Order" for BP "Hoteles Buenas Noches, S.A." and Book
-create other "Sales Order" for the same BP and Book it.
-Create only one "Goods Shipments" for both orders and Complete it.
-Go to "Sales Invoice" and after create a header for the same BP push in "Create Lines From". You will see that you can not add the created "Goods Shipment"
related to defect 00192783.0MP8 closed jecharri Error with parcial "Goods Shipments" and Invoices 
blocks backport 00198592.50MP39 closed jecharri The "Goods Shipment" selector it doesn't work properly 
Issue History
2012-02-23 21:43jecharriNew Issue
2012-02-23 21:43jecharriAssigned To => jecharri
2012-02-23 21:43jecharriWeb browser => Google Chrome
2012-02-23 21:43jecharriModules => Core
2012-02-23 22:12jecharriRelationship addedrelated to 0019278
2012-02-23 22:12jecharriTag Attached: Regression
2012-02-23 22:18jecharriIssue cloned0019859
2012-02-23 22:20jecharriRelationship addedblocks 0019859
2012-02-24 08:50hgbotCheckin
2012-02-24 08:50hgbotNote Added: 0045430
2012-02-24 08:50hgbotStatusnew => resolved
2012-02-24 08:50hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2012-02-24 08:50hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2012-02-24 11:04jecharriNote Added: 0045437
2012-02-24 14:47malsasuaNote Added: 0045447
2012-02-24 14:47malsasuaStatusresolved => closed
2012-03-02 15:39hudsonbotCheckin
2012-03-02 15:39hudsonbotNote Added: 0045948

2012-02-24 08:50   
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: 712487619c1742e99bb974b7c9d82bd229bf03fd
Author: Javier Etxarri <javier.echarri <at>>
Date: Fri Feb 24 08:49:44 2012 +0100
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 19858: The "Goods Shipment" selector it doesn't work properly.
Now only dissapears the shipments where the related order has invoice term 'After Order Delivered' and is not completely delivered

M src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_actionButton/CreateFrom_Invoice_data.xsql
2012-02-24 11:04   
Test Cases (all the documents must be created with the same BP)
First Case:
-create one sales order (invoice term "after delivery") and after that create the related shipment. Complete it.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and the order.

Second case:
-create one sales order (invoice term "after order delivery") and after that create the related PARTIAL shipment. Complete it.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can not see the shipment and the order.
-Create a new shipment to delivery all the order.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and the order.

Third case:
-create two sales order (invoice term "after delivery") and after that create the related shipment. Complete it. You have to create only one shipment for both orders.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and orders.

Fourth case:
-Do the same that in case 3 but one order with invoice term = "after order delivery"

Fifth case:
-Do the same that in case 3 but both orders with invoice term = "after order delivery"

Sixth case:
-Create a shipment and complete.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment.
2012-02-24 14:47   
checked in version: 3.0.15300

test plan:
First Case:
-create one sales order (invoice term "after delivery") and after that create the related shipment. Complete it.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and the order.

Second case:
-create one sales order (invoice term "after order delivery") and after that create the related PARTIAL shipment. Complete it.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can not see the shipment and the order.
-Create a new shipment to delivery all the order.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and the order.

Third case:
-create two sales order (invoice term "after delivery") and after that create the related shipment. Complete it. You have to create only one shipment for both orders.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment and orders.

Fourth case:
-Do the same that in case 3 but one order with invoice term = "after order delivery"

Fifth case:
-Do the same that in case 3 but both orders with invoice term = "after order delivery"

Sixth case:
-Create a shipment and complete.
-Go to "sales invoice" and push in "Create Lines From". Verifie that you can see the shipment.

code review:
2012-03-02 15:39   
A changeset related to this issue has been promoted main and to the
Central Repository, after passing a series of tests.

Promotion changeset: [^]

Maturity status: Test