Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0019488Openbravo ERP03. Procurement managementpublic2012-01-13 09:582012-09-18 13:33
20Ubuntu 8.04.1
Google Chrome
0019488: "Exchange rate" tabs should be hidden as "exchange rate at doc level" feature should be set as an "Advance feature".
"Exchange rate" tabs should be hidden as "exchange rate at doc level" feature should be set as an"Advance feature".
"Exchange rate" tabs should be hidden as "exchange rate at doc level" feature should be set as an"Advance feature".
OB3 Documentation
Issue History
2012-01-13 09:58psanjuanNew Issue
2012-01-13 09:58psanjuanAssigned To => jonalegriaesarte
2012-01-13 09:58psanjuanWeb browser => Google Chrome
2012-01-13 09:58psanjuanModules => Core
2012-01-13 10:01psanjuanWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2012-01-13 10:01psanjuanNote Added: 0044317
2012-01-13 10:01psanjuanTag Attached: OB3 Documentation
2012-01-13 10:02psanjuanWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2012-01-13 10:02psanjuanSummary"Exchange rate" tabs should be hidden as this one should be move to "Advance feature". => "Exchange rate" tabs should be hidden as "exchange rate at doc level" feature should be set as an "Advance feature".
2012-01-13 10:02psanjuanDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=3055#r3055
2012-01-13 10:02psanjuanProposed Solution updated
2012-09-13 10:43jonalegriaesarteAssigned Tojonalegriaesarte => dmiguelez
2012-09-18 13:33psanjuanWeb browserGoogle Chrome => Google Chrome
2012-09-18 13:33psanjuanTypedesign defect => defect

2012-01-13 10:01   
Please take into account that multi-currency smoke tests would be affected by this change therefore should be updated.

Add another test that would un-hide these tabs. Set two flags - Customization allowed for instance and Active for these tabs.