2011-11-17 11:19
Repository: erp/devel/pi
Changeset: 1f4815271d279811aed6e8e7d19a56930905f7c5
Author: Víctor Martínez Romanos <victor.martinez <at> openbravo.com>
Date: Wed Nov 16 18:50:44 2011 +0100
URL: http://code.openbravo.com/erp/devel/pi/rev/1f4815271d279811aed6e8e7d19a56930905f7c5 [^]
Fixed issue 19083:
Several improvements added to the payment report:
1. Remove the Subtotal for the grouping criteria because it provides
useless information
2. Remove the sum of trans. amount because it may sum amounts from
different currencies
3. Remove the last grand total line because it provides useless
4. Add a balance field when grouping. This balance will show the
difference between the pending credit to be used and the pending
payments. This information is specially useful when grouping by
business partner.
The pending credit to take into account belongs to payments with the
following status: Withdrawn not cleared, Payment Received, Payment
Cleared, Payment Made and Deposited not Clear.
The pending payments to take into account do NOT have the following
status: Withdrawn not cleared, Payment Received, Payment Cleared,
Payment Made, Deposited not Clear and Voided
Apart from that, some minor bugs have been fixed:
- Order by clause orders by invoice payment schedule
- Improved code that prints the asterisks in case of credit payments
- In the PDF report, the group criteria band is now shown only when
the user has selected a grouping criteria
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src-db/database/sourcedata/AD_TEXTINTERFACES.xml
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src/org/openbravo/financial/paymentreport/erpCommon/ad_reports/PaymentReport.html
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src/org/openbravo/financial/paymentreport/erpCommon/ad_reports/PaymentReport.java
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src/org/openbravo/financial/paymentreport/erpCommon/ad_reports/PaymentReport.xml
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src/org/openbravo/financial/paymentreport/erpCommon/ad_reports/PaymentReportDao.java
M modules/org.openbravo.financial.paymentreport/src/org/openbravo/financial/paymentreport/erpCommon/ad_reports/PaymentReportPDF.jrxml