Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0018897Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2011-10-27 12:122012-11-22 10:19
closedunable to reproduce 
0018897: Accounting process attempts to account for voided shipments
Consider the following situation:
1) You have configured the system to account for material transactions (receipts, shipments, etc.)
2) You inadvertently create a shipment for a product that does not have cost associated to (for example, you create a shipment for a discount)
3) Accounting that transaction fails because there are no costs associated with the discount.
4) You cannot void the shipment.
5) The Accounting for the shipment continues to fail, even if the shipment has been voided.

A voided shipment that has never been accounted before should not generate any accounting.
See above.
AccountingDemo, VMA-Reviewed
related to design defect 0018908 new Triage Omni OMS It should be possible to define "Non shippable" products 
Issue History
2011-10-27 12:12pjuvaraNew Issue
2011-10-27 12:12pjuvaraAssigned To => jonalegriaesarte
2011-10-27 12:12pjuvaraModules => Core
2011-10-27 16:34pjuvaraRelationship addedrelated to 0018908
2011-11-07 01:43pjuvaraTag Attached: AccountingDemo
2012-02-15 19:04iciordiaAssigned Tojonalegriaesarte => vmromanos
2012-02-16 17:55vmromanosTag Attached: VMA-Reviewed
2012-05-04 14:54naiaramartinezNote Added: 0048384
2012-05-04 14:54naiaramartinezStatusnew => feedback
2012-05-04 14:54naiaramartinezAssigned Tovmromanos => naiaramartinez
2012-07-10 12:46naiaramartinezNote Edited: 0048384bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=0048384#r3613
2012-09-13 10:18dmiguelezNote Added: 0052050
2012-11-22 10:19dmiguelezNote Added: 0054448
2012-11-22 10:19dmiguelezStatusfeedback => closed
2012-11-22 10:19dmiguelezResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2012-05-04 14:54   
(edited on: 2012-07-10 12:46)
I have tried to reproduce this bug but I haven't been able to do it. I can't generate an accounting when there is a line in a shipment that has no costing.

The steps I followed:
  Go to Accounting shema window. set active = true for MaterialMgmtShipmentInOut table in both accounting schemas (F&B International Group US/A/Euro, F&B US, Inc. US/A/US Dollar)

  Go to Sales Order and create a new record:
     Organization: F&B US, Inc.
     Business Partner: Healthy Food Supermarkets, Co.
  Go to lines tab and create a new record.
  Complete and Book the sales order. Notice that a discount line has been created in lines tab.

  Go to Goods Shipment window and create a new record.
    Organization: F&B US, Inc.
    Business Partner: Healthy Food Supermarkets, Co.
    Press the button create line from. A pop up is opened:
       Select the newly created order
       Select both lines (the product and the discount)
       Select a warehouse.
    Press the Complete button.
    Press Post button. You will get the following error: 'There is no cost defined for the product: Discount 10% on 04-05-2012'.
    Press Close button and select void. Notice that you can void the shipment.
    Press Post button. You will get the same error: 'There is no cost defined for the product: Discount 10% on 04-05-2012'.
    So, it doesn't generate any accounting (not when the shipment is processed and not when the shipment is voided).

    Could you expecify how to reproduce the issue?

2012-09-13 10:18   
Hi again,
While waiting for an answer for this Issue, we've been discussing about it, to understand it better. And we'd like to share with you what we think.

When a Shipment is Voided, another one is created with the same amount, but the opposite sign. And both are supposed to be accounted.
Other Transactions, such as Invoices, behaves the same way. When voiding an Invoice, another one is created with same amount and opposite sign and both are accounted.

We think Shipments should behave the same way, being consisten with the rest of the application.

But, now, since MP13, there is available the new Cosing Engine. Which is calculating the cost for each Transaction in the background, instead of having to launch manually the process. And when it is able to calculate the cost of a Transaction, the Accounting process will be able to process that Transaction. It is an improvement in this scenario, since when the system is able to calculate the cost, the accounting will be also generated automatically.

We would like to know what are your thoughts on this.
Thank you very much.
2012-11-22 10:19   
No response.