Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0018607Openbravo ERP05. Production managementpublic2011-09-26 10:052011-09-26 10:05
Google Chrome
0018607: When you produce one product with lote attribute the system doesn't use the attribute lote to group the products
When you are creating a work effort and the product that you are producing have the attribute lote, you can not process the work effort because first you have to put one lote number, (in case that you put the same number two times) the application doesn't see that one lote has been created yet or not and it creates one new lote with the same name when it must add more quantity to the lote
Put 2 product in production and add both the attribute lote
Create one Process Plan with both product (one like p- and the other like p+)
Create a work requirement
Create a work effort, in this point, the application ask you that you have to put one lote number, and it doesn't mind if you put the same number or not, every time, the application create a new group of product when it must add more quantity to one lote.
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Issue History
2011-09-26 10:05jecharriNew Issue
2011-09-26 10:05jecharriAssigned To => jonalegriaesarte
2011-09-26 10:05jecharriWeb browser => Google Chrome
2011-09-26 10:05jecharriModules => Core

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