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0018544Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2011-09-16 13:462011-09-16 13:46
Google Chrome
0018544: The error message when you execute a bank statement it could be more clear
When you try to execute a bank statement with some effects that it has been cancelled, the error message it could be more clear.

The problem is bigger when are remitance involved in the process
One example:
-Go to sales invoice and create two invoices and complete it (1st amount=10, 2nd amount=20).
-Go to remitance and create one record with 2 invoices.
-Go to bank statement and cancel the payment of 30.Process it.
-Create other bank statement with payment whose value is 10. Porcess it.
-Now create one bank statement more with payment whose value is -10.
Try to process and you will see that error message it could be more clear.
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Issue History
2011-09-16 13:46jecharriNew Issue
2011-09-16 13:46jecharriAssigned To => jonalegriaesarte
2011-09-16 13:46jecharriWeb browser => Google Chrome
2011-09-16 13:46jecharriModules => Core

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