Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0018138Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2011-07-29 17:272012-10-09 09:41
closedunable to reproduce 
0018138: Grid shows inconsistent filter behavior with very large number of records
With a very large number of records, retrieving data in the grid takes time.

If you try to apply a filter to the grid while the data is being retrieved, your new filter does not get detected by the application.

You end up with a filter that does not match the data that you see.
This behavior can be clearly observed in Butler in the Heartbeat View window.

When you open that window, it takes about 20 seconds for the grid to render the data.
If during this period you type a filter criteria (for example: License = Gest), what you type gets ignored and you get with data in the grid that does not match the filter criteria until you correct it.
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depends on defect 0018137 closed mtaal Incorrect filtering on slow tables 
Issue History
2011-07-29 17:27pjuvaraNew Issue
2011-07-29 17:27pjuvaraAssigned To => alostale
2011-07-29 17:27pjuvaraModules => Core
2011-08-01 12:23psarobeAssigned Toalostale => mtaal
2011-08-01 12:23psarobePrioritynormal => urgent
2011-08-01 12:23psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2011-08-01 12:23psarobeTarget Version => 3.0MP3
2011-08-01 12:25psarobeRelationship addeddepends on 0018137
2011-08-31 09:45mtaalTarget Version3.0MP3 => 3.0MP4
2011-09-18 12:52mtaalTarget Version3.0MP4 => 3.0MP5
2011-10-25 08:01mtaalTarget Version3.0MP5 => 3.0MP6
2011-11-15 10:21iperdomoTarget Version3.0MP6 =>
2012-10-09 09:41mtaalReview Assigned To => AugustoMauch
2012-10-09 09:41mtaalNote Added: 0053144
2012-10-09 09:41mtaalStatusscheduled => closed
2012-10-09 09:41mtaalResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2012-10-09 09:41   
I retested this on a MP14 butler version and it works for me. I opened the heartbeat window and while it was loading data entered the search string 'San' in the city name.
First records from all cities were shown, then the system refreshed and only the ones from San Diego were shown.

gr. Martin