Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0017499Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2011-06-06 09:112011-06-06 17:13
0017499: It is not possible to enter text with selenium on date fields
The function sendKeys of selenium seems to enter the text in a form date field but then it is cleared and the field is left empty.
It doesn't work either when I try to clear the field using the Backspace key with send keys.
Currently, we have a workaround for both issues: use the smartclient setValue instead of entering the text, and using the selenium clear function. The problem is that these functions don't test all the functionality that a user can do with the date item. We are using the javascript directly, instead of simulating the user interaction through the browser.

Both actions work properly on simple text items.
There is a test FIE0040_EnterValueInDateItem that checks the behaviour of the date items.
In order to reproduce the issue, the workaround have to be commented out from the definition of the text item in the DateItem class.
Make the text item of a date field testable with selenium, just as the rest of text items are.
duplicate of defect 00174933.0MP0 closed mtaal Selenium tests are broken because of a change in the Date fields behaviour 
Issue History
2011-06-06 09:11elopioNew Issue
2011-06-06 09:11elopioAssigned To => alostale
2011-06-06 09:11elopioModules => Core
2011-06-06 09:11elopioTag Attached: testability
2011-06-06 09:13elopioNote Added: 0038015
2011-06-06 17:13elopioRelationship addedduplicate of 0017493
2011-06-06 17:13elopioStatusnew => closed
2011-06-06 17:13elopioResolutionopen => duplicate

2011-06-06 09:13   
The backspace key has never worked on the date items.
The problem with entering text appeared last Wednesday, june 1st, 2011: [^]