Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0016896ModulesAsset Managementpublic2011-04-26 12:372011-09-15 14:54
20Ubuntu 8.04.1
0016896: Assets Maintenance
Assets which are subject to maintenance on a regular basis.

Create a maintenance plan for each asset with maintenance due dates. For instance, an asset has 10 years lifetime and ordinary maintenance must be done every 6 months. Once entered these information, the application should create a maintenance calendar. Further it would be nice that while the expiration date for a maintenance operation is approaching an alert is generated for specific users.
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Issue History
2011-04-26 12:37psanjuanNew Issue
2011-04-26 12:37psanjuanAssigned To => vmromanos
2011-06-03 11:10dalsasuaAssigned Tovmromanos => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:10dalsasuaAssigned Todalsasua => jonalegriaesarte
2011-09-15 14:54psanjuanNote Added: 0040944
2011-09-15 14:54psanjuanPrioritynormal => high
2011-09-15 14:54psanjuanTypedefect => feature request
2011-09-15 14:54psanjuanProposed Solution updated

2011-09-15 14:54   
This is not a defect but a new feature request.
Changed priority to High.