Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0016505Openbravo ERP00. Application dictionarypublic2011-03-28 10:072011-06-16 14:25
0016505: Warning to the user in order to clean the cache after changing AD
Currently, with Openbravo 3RC5 changes to the AD are automatically applied and there is no need to recompile the application. This is great as it improves the implementors productivity a lot. However, from a user perspective the changes are not visible until the cache is cleaned.

It would be good that the system automatically detects the need to clean the cache and warns all users to do so. As the system already has the infrastructure to do so (it happens after updating the system through the module management console), it would be good to leverage on it.
1.- Log in to the system with the System Administrator role.
2.- Make sure you can do changes to the core windows (you need a template in status "In development" to do so).
3.- Go to "Windows, Tabs and Fields".
4.- Find the window "Sales Order" and go to the tab "Header".
5.- Change the position of one of the fields that are visible.
6.- Log out and log in as the client admin role.
7.- Go to the "Sales Order" tab and check if the change you did in step 5 is visible.
8.- Realize that the change is not visible.
9.- Clean the internet browser cache and check it again.
10.- Realize that the change you did in step 5 is now visible.
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duplicate of defect 00161343.0MP2 closed alostale Window definition is not refreshed if a customization is done using an Industry Template 
Issue History
2011-03-28 10:07jtarbalNew Issue
2011-03-28 10:07jtarbalAssigned To => alostale
2011-03-28 10:07jtarbalModules => Core
2011-03-28 10:14shuehnerNote Added: 0035261
2011-03-28 10:14shuehnerIssue Monitored: shuehner
2011-06-16 14:25dmitry_mezentsevRelationship addedduplicate of 0016134
2011-06-16 14:25dmitry_mezentsevNote Added: 0038367
2011-06-16 14:25dmitry_mezentsevStatusnew => closed
2011-06-16 14:25dmitry_mezentsevResolutionopen => duplicate

2011-03-28 10:14   
Hi jtarbal,

(In General) i should be never needed to clean the cache to apply some changes.

That said, the bug you are hitting is that the caching system doesn't yet know about templates :(
Need to recheck if there's already an issue logged for that (if not will retitle this issue to cover that bug which should be the cause for the problem you are seeing).
2011-06-16 14:25   
Provided issue will fix situation better.