Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0016002Openbravo ERPB. User interfacepublic2011-02-17 23:012011-10-29 22:07
closedunable to reproduce 
0016002: Subtle timing problem with column filters
If you type the characters at just the right speed, you can get incorrect filter results. This effect does not happen consistently. I stumbled on it, but can make it happed about 1 in 4 times.
1. Select Tables and Columns
2. Reset any filters you may have
3. On the Name column, type the string part (for partner)
4. There should be 15 rows showing, but sometimes there are 27 (which is the result set for a query on par.

So, the query is sent at 'par', but the system sometimes does not detect that the t has been typed (so it does not send a new query). The result is that the user is shown too many rows (those containing the string par, instead of those containing the string part).
Program must continue to detect new keystrokes, after query has been sent.
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depends on defect 0018137 closed mtaal Incorrect filtering on slow tables 
png shows_27_rows_should_show_15.PNG (130,872) 2011-02-17 23:01

png correctly_shows_15_rows_when_filtering_on_part.PNG (108,661) 2011-02-17 23:04
Issue History
2011-02-17 23:01johnfandlNew Issue
2011-02-17 23:01johnfandlAssigned To => dbaz
2011-02-17 23:01johnfandlFile Added: shows_27_rows_should_show_15.PNG
2011-02-17 23:01johnfandlModules => Core
2011-02-17 23:03dbazAssigned Todbaz => mtaal
2011-02-17 23:04johnfandlFile Added: correctly_shows_15_rows_when_filtering_on_part.PNG
2011-02-17 23:09johnfandlNote Added: 0034257
2011-02-21 08:24alostaleStatusnew => scheduled
2011-08-01 12:24psarobePrioritynormal => urgent
2011-08-01 12:24psarobeTarget Version => 3.0MP3
2011-08-01 12:25psarobeRelationship addeddepends on 0018137
2011-08-31 09:44mtaalTarget Version3.0MP3 => 3.0MP4
2011-09-18 12:52mtaalTarget Version3.0MP4 => 3.0MP5
2011-10-25 08:00mtaalTarget Version3.0MP5 => 3.0MP6
2011-10-29 22:07psarobeStatusscheduled => closed
2011-10-29 22:07psarobeResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2011-02-17 23:09   
I put this at severity "Major" because:

1. I assume this is a general platform defect, not just for this sample menu option
2. It can result in misleading data and wrong decisions

Re: 2, consider a querylist widget with subtotals, which will be overstated in this case. If a busy user does not notice the subtle problem, she could make a wrong decision based on bad data.

Note that the problem is easier to reproduce against larger datasets. I expect that users will be noticing this, and it will undermine confidence in the system.