Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0015604Openbravo ERP04. Warehouse managementpublic2011-01-11 12:432011-02-16 00:00
closedno change required 
0015604: Generate Average Costs per Organization
Generate Average Costs is not distinguishing between organizations.
1) Create a generic organization A as a child to a legal with accounting organization MAIN.
2) Create a warehouse A and storage bin A1 within organization A.
3) Create a generic organization B as a child to a legal with accounting organization MAIN.
4) Create a warehouse B and storage bin B1 within organization B.
5) Create a purchase order with a line for a product P and price 100 (that has Cost Type 'Average') in Warehouse A for organization A.
6) Create a purchase order with a line for a product P and price 200 (that has Cost Type 'Average') in Warehouse B for organization B.
7) Go to Pending Goods Receipt and process those 2 orders, each in its corresponding warehouse.
8) Run Generate Average Costs process.
9) Go to Product P, tab Costing an see the two lines: notice that the Cost has been calculating not distinguishing between organizations. The valid cost (one that has ending date = '31-12-9999' in DD-MM-YYYY format) for product P is 150.
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blocks backport 00150702.50MP25 closed adrianromero Generate Average Costs per Organization 
Issue History
2011-01-11 12:43adrianromeroNew Issue
2011-01-11 12:43adrianromeroAssigned To => adrianromero
2011-01-11 12:43adrianromeroModules => Core
2011-01-11 12:43adrianromeroIssue generated from0015070
2011-01-11 12:43adrianromeroRelationship addedblocks 0015070
2011-01-11 12:44adrianromeroStatusnew => scheduled
2011-01-11 12:44adrianromerofix_in_branch => pi
2011-02-15 11:46adrianromeroStatusscheduled => closed
2011-02-15 11:46adrianromeroResolutionopen => no change required
2011-02-16 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 3182897

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