Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0015383ModulesInitial data loadpublic2010-12-09 12:402011-07-20 18:10
normalminorhave not tried
0015383: Default values are not verified leading to misunderstandings
I am able to update the Default Values of the fields with values that are not valid. This can later cause an error when importing (see related issue 0015382)
1. Go to Entity Default Values
2. Select the Product entity and move to Fields
3. Edit Currency field by using "Sales" as default
4. The record is saved and no clue about the validity of the text is shown.
Since the name of the currency has to be present in the Currency window, the better solution is to check when saving that the value is present. If it is not, a warning message should be displayed "Warning: The default value is not present in the Currency table. Change it by a valid value or add the value to Currency table"
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related to defect 0015382 new jonalegriaesarte Wrong message when an Default Value for a field is not correct 
Issue History
2010-12-09 12:40plujanNew Issue
2010-12-09 12:40plujanAssigned To => mirurita
2010-12-09 12:40plujanRelationship addedrelated to 0015382
2011-06-03 11:10dalsasuaAssigned Tomirurita => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:10dalsasuaAssigned Todalsasua => jonalegriaesarte

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