Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
View Issue Details
0014716ModulesAsset Managementpublic2010-09-28 12:402011-07-20 18:10
20Ubuntu 8.04.1
0014716: To Do List - should take into account "Special Documents"
To Do List - should take into account "Special Documents" which implies that a step by step definition of the corresponding workflow for each special document must be also defined.

Above means:
generic definition of document types to be added to the ToDoList
to be defined by our customer
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Issue History
2010-09-28 12:40psanjuanNew Issue
2010-09-28 12:40psanjuanAssigned To => vmromanos
2010-09-28 12:55psanjuanAssigned Tovmromanos => dalsasua
2010-09-28 12:55psanjuanAssigned Todalsasua => psanjuan
2010-10-06 11:21psanjuanDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=990#r990
2010-11-19 12:38psanjuanDescription Updatedbug_revision_view_page.php?rev_id=1229#r1229
2011-06-03 11:10dalsasuaAssigned Topsanjuan => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:10dalsasuaAssigned Todalsasua => jonalegriaesarte

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