Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0014676Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2010-09-23 15:022022-02-01 08:08
Triage Platform Base 
normalminorhave not tried
0014676: DE007 After the warning message in login, I have no other information about what modules have expired.
After the warning message in login, I have no other information about what modules have expired.
1. Log in an instance with an Active subscription. One installed module's license has expired yesterday
2. As SysAdmin, you receive a warning message
3. Continue and go to MMC. All installed modules look the same.
4. Go to instance activation, there is no modules list, nor individual expiration dates, so basically the only way to recall what modules were expired is to log out and log in again.
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Issue History
2010-09-23 15:02plujanNew Issue
2010-09-23 15:02plujanAssigned To => alostale
2010-09-27 08:59alostaleStatusnew => scheduled
2010-10-01 11:10alostaleNote Added: 0031536
2010-10-14 08:34alostaleTarget Version2.50MP23 => 2.50MP25
2010-12-13 16:45alostaleTarget Version2.50MP25 => 2.50MP26
2011-02-07 08:33alostaleTarget Version2.50MP26 =>
2011-11-18 17:36johnfandlNote Added: 0042995
2012-03-30 13:05alostaleNote Added: 0046976
2012-03-30 13:05alostaleTypedefect => design defect
2012-09-24 23:28AugustoMauchNote Added: 0052475
2012-09-24 23:28AugustoMauchPriorityurgent => normal
2017-03-31 14:36alostaleStatusscheduled => acknowledged
2017-04-10 14:34alostaleAssigned Toalostale => platform
2022-02-01 08:08alostaleAssigned Toplatform => Triage Platform Base

2010-10-01 11:10   
Proposed solution:

Display in Instance Activation window a list of installed commercial modules with their expiration date.
2011-11-18 17:36   
It is true that individual commercial modules may have an expiration date different from the overall subscription--and the UI does not provide visibility into expiration dates of individual modules.

Instead of adding individual modules to the Activation screen (which does not have module details now), it may make more sense to add the "Expiration Date" to the MMC "Installed Modules" tab, with ability to sort by the expiration date. Perhaps best is to upgrade this screen at some point to use a Smartclient control like this example: [^] So, the parent would have the earliest expiration date of all of its children.
2012-03-30 13:05   
Setting as design defect:

New design is required to display this info and it needs to be decided whether should be in instance activation window or in module management.
2012-09-24 23:28   
Effort: 1
Impact: mid
Plan: mid