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0014042Openbravo ERPY. DBSourceManagerpublic2010-07-26 09:032012-05-08 18:07
102003 Server
0014042: Problem in export.database with deferrable constraint
I have a constraint that I need to be deferrable (DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE in constraint definition).
When I run the export.database ant task, the constraint is exported to xml file, but it is not specified as 'DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE'.
When the module is installed, the constraint is not deferrable and I get an error while executing.
1. Create a constraint that is 'DEFERRABLE INITIALLY IMMEDIATE' on table A pointing to table B
2. Run 'ant export.database' task
-> In the XML files, there are no mentions that the constraint on table A is deferrable
Add the possibility to create deferrable constraints and export the information to XML files so when installed in production environment, the constraint is deferrable.
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Issue History
2010-07-26 09:03neil_smithNew Issue
2010-07-26 09:03neil_smithAssigned To => marvintm
2010-08-02 08:12alostaleStatusnew => scheduled
2010-08-02 08:12alostalefix_in_branch => pi
2012-05-08 18:06marvintmTypedefect => design defect
2012-05-08 18:06marvintmfix_in_branchpi =>
2012-05-08 18:07marvintmTypedesign defect => feature request

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