Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0000138Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2008-04-28 10:532008-12-09 13:41
0000138: Creating database from sources.
When creating the database from sources for postgres 8.2 it shows me an error:

[createdatabase] SQL Command failed with: ERROR: relation "c_invoice_v" does not exist
[createdatabase] -- END C_DEBT_PAYMENT_V
[createdatabase] -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[createdatabase] -- VIEW C_INVOICELINE_V
[createdatabase] -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[createdatabase] -- SCRIPT OPTIONS (FORCE = TRUE)
[createdatabase] CREATE VIEW C_INVOICELINE_V AS SELECT il.ad_client_id, il.ad_org_id, il.c_invoiceline_id, i.c_invoice_id, i.salesrep_id, i.c_bpartner_id, il.m_
product_id, i.documentno, i.dateinvoiced, i.dateacct, i.issotrx, i.docstatus, round(i.multiplier * il.linenetamt, 2) AS linenetamt, round(i.multiplier * il.pric
elist * il.qtyinvoiced, 2) AS linelistamt,
[createdatabase] CASE
[createdatabase] WHEN il.pricelimit IS NULL THEN round(i.multiplier * il.linenetamt, 2)
[createdatabase] ELSE round(i.multiplier * il.pricelimit * il.qtyinvoiced, 2)
[createdatabase] END AS linelimitamt, round(i.multiplier * il.pricelist * il.qtyinvoiced - il.linenetamt, 2) AS linediscountamt,
[createdatabase] CASE
[createdatabase] WHEN il.pricelimit IS NULL THEN 0
[createdatabase] ELSE round(i.multiplier * il.linenetamt - il.pricelimit * il.qtyinvoiced, 2)
[createdatabase] END AS lineoverlimitamt, il.qtyinvoiced, il.line, il.c_orderline_id, il.c_uom_id
[createdatabase] FROM c_invoice_v i, c_invoiceline il
[createdatabase] WHERE i.c_invoice_id = il.c_invoice_id
[createdatabase] Executed 4963 SQL command(s) with 1 error(s)
[createdatabase] Executed 1 forced SQL command(s) with 0 error(s)
[createdatabase] Executing default postscript
[createdatabase] Executed 6 SQL command(s) with 0 error(s)
Install from sources and execute the task ant create.database
blocks defect 00000982.40 closed marvintm Creating database from sources. 
Issue History
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroNew Issue
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroStatusnew => @50@
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroAssigned To => user20
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroStatus@50@ => scheduled
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroResolutionopen => fixed
2008-04-28 10:53cromeroFixed in Version => trunk
2008-04-28 12:15adminAssigned Touser20 => marvintm
2008-04-28 12:15adminDescription Updated
2008-05-06 17:11marvintmStatusscheduled => resolved
2008-05-06 17:11marvintmFixed in Versiontrunk => 2.35
2008-05-06 17:11marvintmNote Added: 0000058
2008-05-21 19:51cromeroTarget Version2.40 => R2.40alpha r2
2008-06-24 13:49cromeroTarget Version2.40alpha-r2 => 2.35
2008-06-24 13:50cromeroFixed in Version2.35 => 2.35MP6
2008-06-24 17:01plujanTag Attached: PostgreSQL
2008-12-09 13:41psarobeRegression testing => No
2008-12-09 13:41psarobeStatusresolved => closed

2008-05-06 17:11   
Now dbsourcemanager will not show error messages regarding errors produced by commands that will be tried to be executed later.