Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0013063Openbravo ERPA. Platformpublic2010-04-21 16:052012-09-24 23:36
highminorhave not tried
0013063: Tomcat restart option and session timeout could collide
If your rebuild is successful but you let the session to time out, application behavior is the same as if session is alive. The difference is that after logging in you will receive a message saying that Tomcat was not restarted.
Message is technically correct. However, user feedback is wrong, since there is no way to know what was the restart for. Was because a Tomcat restart, was because a time out?
Scenario 1:
Update any module and rebuild.
After the rebuild successful message, use the "Restart container" option.
You are taken to Login page.
Try to login. Login is successful.

Scenario 2:
Update any module and rebuild.
After the rebuild successful message, wait for session expiration.
Use the "Restart container" option.
You are taken to Login page.
Try to login. You receive a message saying that Tomcat was not restarted.

I would like to have an extra feedback when timing out. This would apply not only to rebuild window but all time out situations.
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Issue History
2010-04-21 16:05plujanNew Issue
2010-04-21 16:05plujanAssigned To => adrianromero
2010-04-21 16:38adrianromeroAssigned Toadrianromero => alostale
2010-04-21 16:38adrianromeroCategory01. General setup => A. Platform
2010-04-22 13:26plujanStatusnew => scheduled
2010-04-22 13:26plujanfix_in_branch => pi
2011-11-17 15:40alostaleAssigned Toalostale => marvintm
2011-11-17 15:40alostaleTypedefect => design defect
2011-11-17 15:40alostalefix_in_branchpi =>
2012-09-24 23:36AugustoMauchNote Added: 0052498
2012-09-24 23:36AugustoMauchPrioritynormal => high

2012-09-24 23:36   
Effort: 1
Impact: mid
Plan: short