Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Modules
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0012542ModulesInitial data loadpublic2010-03-03 17:462011-07-20 18:09
normalminorhave not tried
0012542: IDL validation process (for at least the product price entity) executes too many (duplicate) database-queries
Logging the db-queries done while executing the IDL validation process shows that about 12* select queries are issued for each validate line from the import-csv-file.

This could be reduced greatly by caching and not re-executing queries for data unchanged during the validation process.

Breakdown of queries (per imported line):
- select on product
- select on ad_org
- select on ad_role_orgaccess
- select on discountschema
- 4* select on idl_entity imported
- 4* select on idl_field imported

A prototype change to cache (ad_org,ad_role_orgaccess,idl_entity,idl_field) lookup based on same input parameters did lead to a 4*speedup of the validation (10k import lines, before ca. 400s, after 100s)
Introduce caching (or reading the unchanged data into some context object for at least idl_entity, idl_field) and perhaps more to reduce the number of queries issued greatly.
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related to defect 00124012.50MP14 closed shuehner Openbravo ERP After a while execuing a process the session is closed before return any result of the execution 
txt validate_10k_pgsql84_grouped.txt (15,738) 2010-03-03 17:46
Issue History
2010-03-03 17:46shuehnerNew Issue
2010-03-03 17:46shuehnerAssigned To => mirurita
2010-03-03 17:46shuehnerFile Added: validate_10k_pgsql84_grouped.txt
2010-03-03 17:47shuehnerRelationship addedrelated to 0012401
2011-06-03 11:11dalsasuaAssigned Tomirurita => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:09dalsasuaAssigned Todalsasua => jonalegriaesarte

There are no notes attached to this issue.