Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0012191Openbravo ERP01. General setuppublic2010-02-09 19:562010-02-09 19:56
0012191: Enhancement for Organization address. Related to taxes calculation
This is the scenario:
You have a tree organization like this:
The three organizations has an address but when calculating the taxes there is no way to say either the calculation must depend on A or Main.
To achieve this what we are going to develop is:
1. Create a check at information tab level which is the tab where you define the address for the organization
2. This check will be "istaxlocation" (Tax location)
3. Create on default='Y'

Process for calculating the proper tax (C_GET_TAX PROCEDURE)based on the tree org example:

1. The three orgs have address and Location tax is marked: Then whenever you create a document the address to calculate the tax will be the one defined for that Organization. For example if you create a sales order for Org A the address used will be the one for Org A
2. Org A and Org B has address but Tax location is not marked: Then whenever you create a document either for Org A or Org B the process will be go up in the tree looking for the next Org that has the an address marked as Tax location
3. None of the Orgs have the tax location marked: The process will go up in the tree till it finds the first "Legal entity" with an address
4. Org A and Org B have no address created: The process will go up in the tree looking for the first Org with an address marked as Tax Location. Doing this we will avoid having the info message saying that "No Address organization has been defined so the taxes cannot be calculated"
5. None of the organizations have an address: Then the behaviour will like it is. An info message will show up
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Issue History
2010-02-09 19:56psarobeNew Issue
2010-02-09 19:56psarobeAssigned To => eduardo_Argal
2010-02-09 19:56psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2010-02-09 19:56psarobefix_in_branch => pi

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