Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Contribution Requests
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0011956Contribution RequestsCore Contributionspublic2010-01-13 13:012010-02-09 10:30
normalmajorhave not tried
0011956: Creating excel report
There is a report called "Balance sheet and P&L structure" in open bravo which can be exported to pdf, but we wanted to export it to excel, we already created the xls button , bu we need to create the template and the java code for the export process, we know how to create templates using ireport, but we have no idea about the sql that should be used for our template, so can any body help us or give us advice or document that will help us to do that?
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Issue History
2010-01-13 13:01yjadaaNew Issue
2010-01-13 13:01yjadaaAssigned To => pjuvara
2010-01-13 13:47pjuvaraNote Added: 0023388
2010-01-13 13:47pjuvaraStatusnew => feedback
2010-01-13 13:49yjadaaNote Added: 0023389
2010-01-13 14:07nsalehIssue Monitored: nsaleh
2010-01-13 14:14pjuvaraStatusfeedback => new
2010-01-13 14:14pjuvaraCategorySponsored Development => Core Contributions
2010-01-13 14:16pjuvaraAssigned Topjuvara => eduardo_Argal
2010-01-13 14:16pjuvaraNote Added: 0023390
2010-01-13 14:16pjuvaraNote Added: 0023391
2010-01-17 08:57yjadaaNote Added: 0023480
2010-01-18 19:51eduardo_ArgalNote Added: 0023514
2010-01-19 07:07yjadaaNote Added: 0023546
2010-02-09 09:48yjadaaNote Added: 0024039
2010-02-09 10:26eduardo_ArgalNote Added: 0024040
2010-02-09 10:30yjadaaNote Added: 0024041

2010-01-13 13:47   
You logged this issue in the Contribution Request project. We use this project to track contributions that our community intends to make to Openbravo core product.

Can you please confirm that your intention is to contribute this functionality?

This functionality is already in our roadmap but for later in the year (and still subject to de-scoping). If you are willing to offer development resources, we can provide the guidelines on how to build it and include it into core as soon as it is complete.
2010-01-13 13:49   
Yes I confirm that I will contribute this functionality
2010-01-13 14:16   
Eduardo: can you please coordinate with yjadaa?
2010-01-13 14:16   
NOTE: please do not forget the code contribution agreement.
2010-01-17 08:57   
I didn't receive any reply or any feedback from any one?? will I get any help soon enough? or not?
2010-01-18 19:51   
Hi yjadaa,

As you may know this is a particularly complex report. I am reviewing it to make more simple for you the development of excel printing. I will come back to you once i have a solution worked out so that you can easily create a template with iReports.


Eduardo Argal
2010-01-19 07:07   
Hi Eduardo,

Your help is really appreciated

Yazan Jadaa
2010-02-09 09:48   
Hi Eduardo,

any update?

2010-02-09 10:26   
Hi Yjadaa,

Finally the refactoring of this report is included in our road map. Export to excel feature will be included as part of the refactoring.


Eduardo Argal
2010-02-09 10:30   

Thank you for your reply, but I didn't get it, How that will hep me with my issue?
