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0010825Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2009-09-30 11:482011-07-20 18:17
0010825: Cannot set manually the end date of an amortization to calculate the plan accordingly
In some cases it is desired to add a new asset in the application that has some previously depreciation amount. If this asset was purchased on the middle of a month and it is depreciated monthly the last period should finish on the same day of the month.

At this moment the only way to set the amortization period is by the Usable Life fields that forces us to set an integer. So the application will plan the same amount for all the periods, including the last month.

The process to calculate the amortization plan should take into account the Depreciation End date if it is provided.
Create a new asset (Financial Management || Assets || Assets || Assets ) with this configuration:

* Depreciation Type: Linear
* Calculate Type: Time
* Amortize: Monthly
* Usable Life: 48
* Purchase Date: 15-06-2008
* Depreciation Start Date: 01-01-2009
* Depreciation End Date: 15-06-2012
* Asset Value: 48000
* Previously Depreciated Amt. : 6500

The expected result are 42 amortization plan lines, all of them with the same amount (1000) except the last one for June 2012 of 500.
The process to calculate the Amortization Plan should take into account the Depreciation End Date if it is provided. This could also be automatically calculated by a call-out when the Purchase Date and the Usable Life fields are set.
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Issue History
2009-09-30 11:48gorkaionNew Issue
2009-09-30 11:48gorkaionAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-10-01 18:59psarobePriorityimmediate => urgent
2009-10-01 18:59psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2009-10-20 12:46rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => eduardo_Argal
2009-10-27 12:20networkbTarget Version2.50MP8 => 2.50MP9
2009-11-17 19:01eduardo_ArgalTypedefect => feature request
2009-11-17 19:01eduardo_ArgalTarget Version2.50MP9 =>
2010-06-08 12:34eduardo_ArgalAssigned Toeduardo_Argal => dalsasua
2011-07-20 18:17dalsasuaAssigned Todalsasua => jonalegriaesarte

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