Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0010685Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2009-09-21 16:092009-11-12 00:00
0010685: Create File in Remittance, does not check if BP bank account has 20 numbers.
When file is created, after processing a remittance, it is not checked if business partner bank account, has 20 numbers. There is no restriction in Business Partner > Bank account tab, to enter a properly bank account. So, the file created for bank, is not well formated.
Create a new Remittance in Financial Management > Receivables & Payables > Transactions > Remittance.
Add (using Create lines from) a new payment.
Go to its line, and navigate to its payment. Afterwards, to its Business Partner. And finally, to Bank Account.
Here, modidfy its bank account to 12345678. Save it.
Go back to remittance and process it.
Finally, press "Create file" buttom. No problems, but the file is not correct.
To add a trigger in Bank account tab, to check if bank account has 20 length or add a check in
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depends on backport 00110452.40MP11 closed vmromanos Create File in Remittance, does not check if BP bank account has 20 numbers. 
Issue History
2009-09-21 16:09networkbNew Issue
2009-09-21 16:09networkbAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-09-22 06:56rafarodaNote Added: 0020250
2009-09-22 06:56rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => dalsasua
2009-09-24 16:50dalsasuaNote Added: 0020345
2009-09-24 16:50dalsasuaStatusnew => scheduled
2009-09-24 16:50dalsasuaTypedefect => feature request
2009-09-25 07:05rafarodaNote Added: 0020350
2009-09-25 07:05rafarodaPriorityimmediate => high
2009-09-25 07:05rafarodaTarget Version2.40MP10 =>
2009-10-02 09:49networkbNote Added: 0020653
2009-10-07 12:26networkbNote Added: 0020831
2009-10-20 09:16psarobeTypefeature request => defect
2009-10-20 09:18psarobeStatusscheduled => feedback
2009-10-20 09:19psarobeStatusfeedback => scheduled
2009-10-20 09:19psarobefix_in_branch => pi
2009-10-20 09:56networkbTarget Version => 2.40MP11
2009-10-20 09:56networkbfix_in_branchpi =>
2009-10-20 10:25dalsasuaNote Added: 0021198
2009-10-20 10:33networkbNote Added: 0021200
2009-11-02 11:35vmromanosAssigned Todalsasua => vmromanos
2009-11-02 13:49vmromanosStatusscheduled => resolved
2009-11-02 13:49vmromanosFixed in SCM revision => NA
2009-11-02 13:49vmromanosResolutionopen => fixed
2009-11-02 13:49vmromanosNote Added: 0021503
2009-11-11 11:16sureshbabuStatusresolved => closed
2009-11-11 11:16sureshbabuNote Added: 0021714
2009-11-11 11:16sureshbabuFixed in Version => 2.50MP9
2009-11-12 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2896286

2009-09-22 06:56   

Can you please comment on this issue and the proposed solution?

2009-09-24 16:50   
Converting to feature request.

Bank Account Number length is not standard (20 digits) along all different bank systems, so this check cannot be added nor in the bank window, nor in the servlet that creates the remittances.

This functionality will be implemented in the module bank id validation, that will be part of the Spanish Localization Pack. Expected release date October 2009.

2009-09-25 07:05   
Target Version removed since it will be addressed in the Spanish Localization Pack.
2009-10-02 09:49   
I do not agree with the proposed solution.

If 20 digits is not a standard, I agree to not include a restriction in the tab. However, the .dat generated by the Application is not correct because is only valid for Spain (its generation uses Spanish rules) because it is not checked business partner bank account.
2009-10-07 12:26   
Any update on this?
2009-10-20 10:25   
I think you didn't understand the discussion: in 2.40 is going to be added a check when generating the file, and a backport has been created by QA in order to track this. In 2.50 no action will be taken, as Spanish Localization Pack includes a callout that checks the correct length and digit control of the Spanish bank accounts. No more action is planned for 2.50, so this issue will be closed as soon as bank account validation module is published.
2009-10-20 10:33   
Thanks for the explanation. However, for each issue that OBPS report, target version must be set in the defect, not in the backport. We know that this is something that is going to be implemented in 2.40, but we have to fill in the defect (like product version) in which version must be fixed.

2009-11-02 13:49   
The Spanish Bank Account Validation is already available at the Central Repository and at the forge's project [^]
2009-11-11 11:16   
As per victor comments i am closing this issue, since no action is need for PI(250) and fix is applied only in Backport(240)