Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0010174Openbravo ERP09. Financial managementpublic2009-08-03 13:432009-11-12 12:02
0010174: Dat file for Remittance Cuaderno 34 is not correct
When remittance file (.dat) is generated is not properly configured:

*Some lines contain '.' where is not needed (see fifth line of attached file).
*If Organization contains a short Address, address does not appear (third and fourth line)
*The third line must has 72 characters (mandatory).
*The last line must show total recipient (one for each line), not total sender.
Generate Remittance type Cuaderno 34 as:
Create a new register in Financial management > Receivables and payables > Setup > Remittance type. Its name will be Cuaderno 34.
Go to its line and create: Cuaderno (name), 34 (content).
Contract(name), 000 (content).
Create a new Remittance (Financial management > Receivables and payables > Transactions). Select Cuaderno 34.
Use Create from process to enter at least, two lines.
Process it.
Create file
blocks defect 00101632.50MP4 closed dalsasua Dat file for Remittance Cuaderno 34 is not correct 
Issue History
2009-08-04 10:29dalsasuaTypedefect => backport
2009-08-04 10:29dalsasuafix_in_branch => 2.40
2009-08-20 11:39rafarodaNote Added: 0019092
2009-08-20 11:39rafarodaReporternetworkb => dalsasua
2009-08-20 11:39rafarodaDescription Updated
2009-10-07 08:59rafarodaNote Added: 0020811
2009-10-07 08:59rafarodaReporterdalsasua => networkb
2009-10-07 08:59rafarodaversion2.50MP3 => 2.40
2009-10-07 08:59rafarodaTarget Version => 2.40MP12
2009-10-09 11:34networkbPriorityhigh => immediate
2009-10-15 13:26hgbotCheckin
2009-10-15 13:26hgbotNote Added: 0021055
2009-10-15 13:26hgbotStatusscheduled => resolved
2009-10-15 13:26hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2009-10-15 13:26hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2009-10-22 19:26psarobeTag Attached: main
2009-11-11 12:27sureshbabuNote Added: 0021716
2009-11-11 13:05sureshbabuNote Added: 0021719
2009-11-12 12:02plujanNote Added: 0021769
2009-11-12 12:02plujanStatusresolved => closed

2009-08-20 11:39   
Removed OBPS information since it was reported by OBPS customer in 2.50 version. Nevertheless backport remains open since it is desirable to have this fixed in 2.40 version also.
2009-10-07 08:59   
Made OBPS requested by MAL.
2009-10-15 13:26   
Repository: erp/stable/2.40
Changeset: 96eff736e731b4613ad5962faf13210aca0a267f
Author: David Alsasua <david.alsasua <at>>
Date: Tue Oct 13 11:33:12 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixes issue 10174: Dat file for Remittance
Cuaderno 34 is not correct

M src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_actionButton/
M src/org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_actionButton/CreateFile34_data.xsql
2009-11-11 12:27   
I am getting an error “Tax identification number needed” while creating the File..Please find the steps below which i followed to retest the Fix.

Precondition: Created two sales invoices for BP: Red Bunny

Generate Remittance type "Cuaderno 34" (Financial management > Receivables and payables > Setup > Remittance type)

Name: Cuaderno 34. (Note: I left blank for the fields Consolidate, Final status, Returned status) and clicked save button

Then I moved to Parameter tab and created two lines:

Cuaderno (name), 34 (content)
Contract (name), 000 (content)

Create a new Remittance (Financial management > Receivables and payables > Transactions). Select Cuaderno 34.
Using “Create lines from” process to enter the above created invoice lines created in precondition and then moved back to header and clicked the “Process” button to process it.

I got an error as “Error: NotNullError: C_DP_MANAGEMENTLINE - STATUS_TO”


Then I moved to Financial Management || Receivables & Payables || Setup || Remittance Type || Remittance Type and selected the above created Remittance type Cuaderno 34 and changed the Final status field value to “In Remittance”

Move to Financial Management || Receivables & Payables || Transactions || Remittance || Header and clicked the process button.
“Process completed successfully” message appears.

Then I clicked the Create File button,
I got an error as “Tax identification number needed”
2009-11-11 13:05   
0356 987654321 0011111091111090000000000000000000 00
0356 987654321 002BIGBAZAAR
0356 987654321 003POL. IND. LANDABEN CALLE J EDIF. SLA
0356 987654321 004PAMPLONA
0656 987654321 12345678A01000000001345612345678123456789011 90
0656 987654321 12345678A011RED BUNNY
0656 987654321 12345678A012CARROT STREET
0656 987654321 12345678A01444578CARROT
0656 987654321 12345678A015HUELVA
0656 987654321 12345678A016* 100043 * ( )
0656 987654321 12345678A01000000020706012345678123456789011 90
0656 987654321 12345678A011RED BUNNY
0656 987654321 12345678A012CARROT STREET
0656 987654321 12345678A01444578CARROT
0656 987654321 12345678A015HUELVA
0656 987654321 12345678A016* 100044 * ( )
0856 987654321 000000220516000000020000000017

I have attached the details of the remittance file above and my findings are

Third line not showing Organization complete address (Address given in the application as Pol. Ind. Landaben calle J - Edif. Slan 1ªplanta - 31012 - Pamplona - NAVARRA - Spain but in the file the address is truncated) and in the defect description it is mentioned as The third line must has 72 characters (mandatory).)

As per the defect description, *The last line must show total recipient (one for each line), not total sender. -- but i am not finding the mentioned details
2009-11-12 12:02   
Raised an extra issue about the wrong message