Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0010015Openbravo ERP00. Application dictionarypublic2009-07-23 12:402011-10-29 19:46
closedunable to reproduce 
20Ubuntu 8.04
0010015: Read only logic does not work with Business Partner fields
The read only logic doesn't work in Business Partner fields and probably in other columns defined as "Search" Reference.

When you define the same read only logic rule for other columns in the same table (with "String", "Amount" or "Tabledir" Reference), the same rule is working fine
1- As system administrator go to any table that has a C_BPartner_ID column
2- Define any checkbox of this table as "Stored in Session"
3- Go to the C_BPartner_ID column and write the following Read Only Logic: @<CheckboxColumn>@='N'
4- Write the same Read Only Logic in other column (just to be sure the rule is working fine)
5- Compile the associated window, deploy and restart tomcat
6- Go to the window and check/uncheck the previous checkbox. Observe the Business Partner field.
No tags attached.
related to feature request 0007964 acknowledged Triage Platform Base Checkboxes do not take "N" value util they are saved 
png readonly.png (217,572) 2009-09-01 18:22

png readonly1.png (209,235) 2009-09-01 18:22
Issue History
2009-07-23 12:40vmromanosNew Issue
2009-07-23 12:40vmromanosAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-08-31 14:32rafarodaStatusnew => closed
2009-08-31 14:32rafarodaNote Added: 0019342
2009-08-31 14:32rafarodaResolutionopen => no change required
2009-08-31 14:32rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0007964
2009-09-01 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2848051
2009-09-01 18:21vmromanosStatusclosed => new
2009-09-01 18:21vmromanosResolutionno change required => open
2009-09-01 18:21vmromanosNote Added: 0019381
2009-09-01 18:22vmromanosFile Added: readonly.png
2009-09-01 18:22vmromanosFile Added: readonly1.png
2009-09-14 12:43psarobeNote Added: 0019902
2009-09-14 12:43psarobeAssigned Torafaroda => alostale
2009-09-14 12:43psarobePrioritynormal => high
2009-09-14 12:43psarobeStatusnew => scheduled
2009-09-14 12:43psarobefix_in_branch => pi
2011-10-29 19:46psarobeNote Added: 0042347
2011-10-29 19:46psarobeStatusscheduled => closed
2011-10-29 19:46psarobeResolutionopen => unable to reproduce

2009-08-31 14:32   
Hi VĂ­ctor,

Read only logic does work for business partner field.
1) Create an expense sheet.
2) Create a line and tick Reinvoicing check-box

Business Partner field appears since read only logic behind is: @IsInvoiced@='Y'

Your problem comes because of this issue: 0007964: Checkboxes do not take "N" value until they are saved [^]

2009-09-01 18:21   

I think the problem is not the one you comment on your previous note.

In my window, the checkbox that controls the readonly logic is not accessible (it is always readonly), so it's impossible to manually change its value.

I have attached two screenshots, where you can see that the same readonly logic on the other fields is working fine except in the BP field.

The field that controls the readonly logic of the other fields is "Manual". In the readonly.png file you can see that all the fields are readonly logic except the BP one (wrong).
In the readonly1.png file all the files are not read only (OK).
2009-09-14 12:43   
As Victor mentions it looks like that read only logic does not work with fields configure as Search.

Take into account the explanation that Victor writes regarding on the screenshot: "The field that controls the readonly logic of the other fields is "Manual". In the readonly.png file you can see that all the fields are readonly logic except the BP one (wrong).
In the readonly1.png file all the files are not read only (OK). "
2011-10-29 19:46   
Openbravo provides community support only for the latest Openbravo version, which is Openbravo 3. This version has significantly improved financial flow, filtering, performance, etc and this issue is not present there. Upgrade path from Openbravo 2.50 to latest Openbravo version is available so we recommend to upgrade your instance to get this issue fixed.

Life cycle guarantee (backporting bug fixes to the previos to latest releases (Openbravo 2.40, 2.50)) is available for Professional Edition subscribers only. Please register your ticket through Openbravo Support Portal ( [^]) if you have valid Professional subscription.

You can find more details about our Support policy in the following blog post [^]