/* ************************************************************************************ * Copyright (C) 2012 Openbravo S.L.U. * Licensed under the Openbravo Commercial License version 1.0 * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.openbravo.com/legal/obcl.html * or in the legal folder of this module distribution. ************************************************************************************ */ /*global enyo */ enyo.kind({ name: 'OB.UI.RenderCategory', kind: 'OB.UI.listItemButton', components: [{ style: 'float: left; width: 25%', components: [{ kind: 'OB.UI.Thumbnail', name: 'thumbnail' }] }, { style: 'float: left; width: 75%;', components: [{ name: 'identifier', style: 'padding-left: 5px;' }, { style: 'clear:both;' }] }], initComponents: function () { this.inherited(arguments); this.addClass('btnselect-browse'); this.$.identifier.setContent(this.model.get('_identifier')); this.$.thumbnail.setImg(this.model.get('img')); OB.UTIL.HookManager.executeHooks('OBPOS_RenderCategory', { category: this }, function(args) { }); } });