First timing is before any improvement Second timing is based on first commit Third timing is based on last commit Test is done by entering the filter text in the search box and measuring the timing on the server side. Is probably not very reliable but gives an impression of the differences >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. FILTER --> a T --> 743 T --> 516 T --> 232 FILTER --> b T --> 5415 T --> 3118 T --> 1120 FILTER --> e T --> 42 T --> 39 T --> 30 FILTER --> g T --> 278 T --> 196 T --> 173 FILTER --> h T --> 943 T --> 531 T --> 336 FILTER --> b T --> 123 T --> 125 T --> 126 FILTER --> EIL T --> 35 T --> 27 T --> 1113 FILTER --> yg T --> 16616 T --> 2513 T --> 757 FILTER --> zz T --> 771 T --> 750 T --> 744 FILTER --> yyg T --> 755 T --> 753 T --> 163 FILTER --> kjl T --> 740 T --> 755 T --> 158 FILTER --> yg T --> 741 T --> 734 T --> 731 FILTER --> klm T --> 782 T --> 734 T --> 164 FILTER --> tgh T --> 767 T --> 737 T --> 184 FILTER --> tg T --> 755 T --> 770 T --> 745 FILTER --> gh T --> 771 T --> 754 T --> 840 FILTER --> AMSEIL T --> 32 T --> 30 T --> 582 FILTER --> IJL T --> 756 T --> 751 T --> 176