Organization,Search key,Name,Description,Tax ID ,Tax Exempt,Reference No.,Category,Language,Location - 1st line,Location - 2nd line,Location - Postal code ,Location - City,Location - Region,Location - Country,Location - Phone,Location - Alternative Phone,Location - Fax,Location - Ship To Address,Location - Pay From Address,Location - Invoice To Address,Location - Remit to Address,Consumption Days,Show Generic,Show Iban,Account No,IBAN,Contact - Name,Contact - First name,Contact - Last name,Contact - Description,Contact - Email,Contact - Position ,Contact - Phone,Contact - Alternative Phone,Contact - Fax,Vendor,Vendor - PO Payment Method,Vendor - PO Payment Terms,Vendor - Purchase Pricelist,Vendor - PO Tax Category,Vendor - PO Financial Account,Customer,Customer – Payment Method,Customer - Payment terms,Customer - Price list,Customer - Tax Category,Customer – Financial Account,Customer - Invoice Schedule,Customer - Invoices Term,Employee,Employee - Is Sales Representative ,BB,BBB,,,,,,,181 Freemont Street,,,,,Spain,,,,,,,,,False,True,AAAAAA,dfsdfssd,,,,,,,,,,False,,,,,,True,,,,,,,,False,