Comments on this list: - it is built on looking at sql code, no testing in the application has been done; so these are all only potential bugs. - i checked some of these and made a crude classification in the 2. and 3. column - CLEANUP means mostly the function is not used anywhere, check with a developer working on the area and perhaps remove it completely - FIX means is probably a bug - TODO means no extra checking done by me - the last line unclean, means that this case will probably work, but the to_number should be removed for consistency - some of the issues are MIN/MAX() min/max on random values does not make sense anymore, with the exception when it is garanteed that only one values can be returned, or that only one random value is really ok as result -> harder to review. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AcctServer_data.xsql callGetValidcombination acctserver used, but then not used CLEANUP selectDocumens ... MIN(ID) used in checkDocuments FIX ShowSessionVariables_data.xsql insert never used CLEANUP RemittanceCancel_data.xsql insertSettlement RemittanceCancel manual code FIX insertDPManagement ditto FIX confirmed + additional coalesce 0 -> '0' needed in c_remittanceline_trg returnDPOriginal ditto FIX returnDPGenerated never used CLEANUP PeriodicBackground_data.xsql insert MIN(ID) TODO CashBankOperations_data.xsql selectOpenCash -> MAX(ID) TODO insertDebtPayment process: CashBankOperations FIX insertCashLine ditto FIX ExpenseAPInvoice_data.xsql selectInvoiceHeader process: ExpenseAPInvoice FIX selectInvoiceHeaderNoProject ditto FIX insertLine ditto FIX TaxRegister_data.xsql insert never used CLEANUP insertLines never used CLEANUP CreateFromMultuple_Shipment_data.xsql inset (unclean) CreateFromMultiple FIX