1 select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 3 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename = '/org/openbravo/idl/form/FileImport_Result.html' #011#011 and text.isused = 'Y'#011#011 and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 2 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename is null#011#011 and text.isused = 'Y' and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 1 select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 3 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename = '/org/openbravo/idl/form/IDL_import.html' #011#011 and text.isused = 'Y'#011#011 and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 2 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename is null#011#011 and text.isused = 'Y' and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 text.filename as 1 select $1 AS AD_Tab_ID, '0' AS TabLevel, m.Name, coalesce(m_trl.name, m.name) as tabname, '10' AS seqno, '' AS IsTranslationTab, '' AS isInfoTab, 'N' AS isBreadCrumb from ad_menu m left join ad_menu_trl m_trl on m.ad_menu_id = m_trl.ad_menu_id and m_trl.ad_language = $2 where m.isactive = 'Y' and m.ad_menu_id = $3 1 select AD_Parent_Menu_Element(m.AD_Menu_ID, m.AD_Client_ID, $1) AS NAME from ad_menu m where m.ad_menu_id = $2 1 select (CASE mo.Action WHEN 'F' THEN mo.AD_WorkFlow_ID WHEN 'X' THEN mo.AD_Form_ID WHEN 'P' THEN mo.AD_Process_ID WHEN 'R' THEN mo.AD_Process_ID WHEN 'C' THEN mo.AD_CallOut_ID WHEN 'T' THEN mo.AD_Task_ID WHEN 'S' THEN mo.AD_Reference_ID ELSE mo.AD_Tab_ID END) AS AD_Tab_ID, mom.MAPPINGNAME AS TabName, mo.action from ad_model_object mo, ad_model_object_mapping mom where mo.ad_model_object_id = mom.ad_model_object_id and mo.isActive = 'Y' and mom.isActive = 'Y' and mom.isDefault = 'Y' and UPPER(mo.CLASSNAME) = UPPER($1) 1 select idl_entiti0_.Idl_Entities_ID as Idl1_134_0_, idl_entiti0_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_134_0_, idl_entiti0_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Isactive as Isactive134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Created as Created134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Createdby as Createdby134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Updated as Updated134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Updatedby as Updatedby134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Name as Name134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Description as Descrip10_134_0_, idl_entiti0_.Classname as Classname134_0_ from IDL_Entities idl_entiti0_ where idl_entiti0_.Idl_Entities_ID=$1 1 select m.AD_Menu_ID AS ID, coalesce(mt.name, m.name) as name from AD_Menu m left join ad_menu_trl mt on m.ad_menu_id = mt.ad_menu_id and mt.ad_language = $1 where (CASE m.action WHEN 'R' THEN 'P' ELSE m.action END) = (CASE $2 WHEN 'R' THEN 'P' ELSE $3 END) and (m.ad_window_ID = $4 or m.ad_process_ID = $5 or m.ad_form_ID = $6 or m.ad_task_ID = $7 or m.ad_workflow_ID = $8 ) 1 select this_.Idl_Entities_ID as Idl1_134_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_134_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_134_0_, this_.Isactive as Isactive134_0_, this_.Created as Created134_0_, this_.Createdby as Createdby134_0_, this_.Updated as Updated134_0_, this_.Updatedby as Updatedby134_0_, this_.Name as Name134_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_134_0_, this_.Classname as Classname134_0_ from IDL_Entities this_ where this_.Name<>$1 and this_.AD_Org_ID in ($2, $3, $4) and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($5, $6) and this_.Isactive=$7 1 select this_.Idl_Entities_ID as Idl1_134_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_134_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_134_0_, this_.Isactive as Isactive134_0_, this_.Created as Created134_0_, this_.Createdby as Createdby134_0_, this_.Updated as Updated134_0_, this_.Updatedby as Updatedby134_0_, this_.Name as Name134_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_134_0_, this_.Classname as Classname134_0_ from IDL_Entities this_ where this_.Name=$1 and this_.AD_Org_ID in ($2, $3, $4) and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($5, $6) and this_.Isactive=$7 2 BEGIN 2 COMMIT 2 SELECT ACCESSLEVEL FROM AD_FORM WHERE TO_CHAR('X') = $1 AND AD_FORM_ID = $2 UNION SELECT ACCESSLEVEL FROM AD_PROCESS WHERE (TO_CHAR('P') = $3 OR TO_CHAR('R') = $4) AND AD_PROCESS_ID = $5 UNION SELECT T.ACCESSLEVEL FROM AD_TABLE T, AD_TAB TB WHERE T.AD_TABLE_ID = TB.AD_TABLE_ID AND TO_CHAR('W') = $6 AND TB.AD_TAB_ID = $7 UNION SELECT ACCESSLEVEL FROM AD_TASK WHERE TO_CHAR('T') = $8 AND AD_TASK_ID = $9 UNION SELECT ACCESSLEVEL FROM AD_WORKFLOW WHERE TO_CHAR('F') = $10 AND AD_WORKFLOW_ID = $11 2 select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name='ad_context_info' and table_type = 'LOCAL TEMPORARY' 2 SELECT SUM(TOTAL) AS TOTAL FROM (SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM AD_Process_Access WHERE AD_Role_ID = $1 AND (TO_CHAR('P') = $2 OR TO_CHAR('R') = $3) AND AD_Process_ID = $4 AND IsActive = 'Y' UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM AD_Form_Access WHERE AD_Role_ID = $5 AND TO_CHAR('X') = $6 AND AD_Form_ID = $7 AND IsActive = 'Y' UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM DUAL WHERE (to_char('800017') = $8 OR to_char('800018') = $9) AND TO_CHAR('TABLE') <> TO_CHAR($10) UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM AD_Window_Access WHERE AD_Role_ID = $11 AND TO_CHAR('W') = $12 AND AD_Window_ID = (SELECT 2 SELECT VALUE, COALESCE(mt.MSGTEXT, m.MSGTEXT) AS MSGTEXT, m.MSGTYPE FROM AD_Message m left join ad_message_trl mt on m.ad_message_id = mt.ad_message_id and mt.ad_language = $1 WHERE (m.msgtype = 'C' OR UPPER(m.value) in ('JSINVALID', 'JSMISSING', 'JSRANGE', 'GRIDPREVIOUSPAGE', 'GRIDNEXTPAGE')) ORDER BY VALUE 4 select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 3 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename = '/org/openbravo/idl/form/List.srpt' #011#011 and text.isused = 'Y'#011#011 and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 text.filename as filename, text.text as text, text.isused as isUsed, text.ad_module_id as moduleId,#011#011 texttrl.ad_language as trlLang, texttrl.text as trlText, texttrl.istranslated as isTranslated, 2 as orderSeq#011#011from #011#011 ad_textinterfaces text,#011#011 ad_textinterfaces_trl texttrl#011#011where#011#011 text.ad_textinterfaces_id = texttrl.ad_textinterfaces_id #011#011 and text.filename is null#011#011 and text.isused = 'Y' and texttrl.ad_language = 'es_ES'#011#011UNION#011#011select #011#011 text.filename as filename, 4 select this_.C_Currency_ID as C1_314_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_314_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_314_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive314_0_, this_.Created as Created314_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy314_0_, this_.Updated as Updated314_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy314_0_, this_.ISO_Code as ISO9_314_0_, this_.CurSymbol as CurSymbol314_0_, this_.Description as Descrip11_314_0_, this_.StdPrecision as StdPrec12_314_0_, this_.CostingPrecision as Costing13_314_0_, this_.PricePrecision as PricePr14_314_0_, this_.Issymbolrightside as Issymbo15_314_0_ from C_Currency this_ where this_.AD_Org_ID in ($1, $2, $3) and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($4, $5) and this_.IsActive=$6 8 select this_.M_Product_ID as M1_30_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_30_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_30_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive30_0_, this_.Created as Created30_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy30_0_, this_.Updated as Updated30_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy30_0_, this_.Value as Value30_0_, this_.Name as Name30_0_, this_.Description as Descrip11_30_0_, this_.DocumentNote as Documen12_30_0_, this_.Help as Help30_0_, this_.UPC as UPC30_0_, this_.SKU as SKU30_0_, this_.C_UOM_ID as C16_30_0_, this_.SalesRep_ID as SalesRep17_30_0_, this_.IsSummary as IsSummary30_0_, this_.IsStocked as IsStocked30_0_, this_.IsPurchased as IsPurch20_30_0_, this_.IsSold as IsSold30_0_, this_.IsBOM as IsBOM30_0_, this_.IsInvoicePrintDetails as IsInvoi23_30_0_, this_.IsPickListPrintDetails as IsPickL24_30_0_, this_.IsVerified as IsVerified30_0_, this_.M_Product_Category_ID as M26_30_0_, this_.Classification as Classif27_30_0_, this_.Volume as Volume30_0_, this_.Weight as Weight30_0_, 46 SELECT AD_MESSAGE_TRL.MSGTEXT FROM AD_MESSAGE, AD_MESSAGE_TRL WHERE AD_MESSAGE.VALUE=$1 AND AD_MESSAGE.AD_MESSAGE_ID = AD_MESSAGE_TRL.AD_MESSAGE_ID AND AD_MESSAGE_TRL.AD_LANGUAGE = $2 82 SELECT COUNT(*) AS N FROM AD_ALERT WHERE ISACTIVE='Y' AND ISFIXED ='N' AND AD_CLIENT_ID IN ('0','2903BD984AC042DD92BE798E178CB525') AND AD_ORG_ID IN ('0','4EED4CA02E754750B060F7F9610946CA','E0D0C68CDAC64C7AAA7015593C63527F') AND AD_ALERTRULE_ID = $1 AND 1=1 82 SELECT DISTINCT '' AS N, a.AD_ALERTRULE_ID, a.FILTERCLAUSE FROM AD_ALERTRULE A, AD_ALERTRECIPIENT R WHERE A.ISACTIVE='Y' AND R.AD_ALERTRULE_ID = A.AD_ALERTRULE_ID AND ((R.AD_USER_ID IS NOT NULL AND R.AD_USER_ID = $1) OR (R.AD_USER_ID IS NULL AND R.AD_ROLE_ID = $2)) 86 SELECT COUNT(*) AS TOTAL FROM AD_SESSION WHERE AD_SESSION_ID = $1 AND SESSION_ACTIVE = 'Y' AND ISACTIVE = 'Y' 9991 select this_.M_Product_ID as M1_30_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_30_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_30_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive30_0_, this_.Created as Created30_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy30_0_, this_.Updated as Updated30_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy30_0_, this_.Value as Value30_0_, this_.Name as Name30_0_, this_.Description as Descrip11_30_0_, this_.DocumentNote as Documen12_30_0_, this_.Help as Help30_0_, this_.UPC as UPC30_0_, this_.SKU as SKU30_0_, this_.C_UOM_ID as C16_30_0_, this_.SalesRep_ID as SalesRep17_30_0_, this_.IsSummary as IsSummary30_0_, this_.IsStocked as IsStocked30_0_, this_.IsPurchased as IsPurch20_30_0_, this_.IsSold as IsSold30_0_, this_.IsBOM as IsBOM30_0_, this_.IsInvoicePrintDetails as IsInvoi23_30_0_, this_.IsPickListPrintDetails as IsPickL24_30_0_, this_.IsVerified as IsVerified30_0_, this_.M_Product_Category_ID as M26_30_0_, this_.Classification as Classif27_30_0_, this_.Volume as Volume30_0_, this_.Weight as 9999 select this_.AD_Org_ID as AD1_218_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_218_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive218_0_, this_.Created as Created218_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy218_0_, this_.Updated as Updated218_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy218_0_, this_.Value as Value218_0_, this_.Name as Name218_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_218_0_, this_.IsSummary as IsSummary218_0_, this_.AD_Orgtype_ID as AD12_218_0_, this_.IsPeriodControlAllowed as IsPerio13_218_0_, this_.C_Calendar_ID as C14_218_0_, this_.IsReady as IsReady218_0_ from AD_Org this_ where this_.Value=$1 and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($2, $3) and this_.IsActive=$4 9999 select this_.AD_Role_OrgAccess_ID as AD1_461_0_, this_.AD_Role_ID as AD2_461_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_461_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD4_461_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive461_0_, this_.Created as Created461_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy461_0_, this_.Updated as Updated461_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy461_0_ from AD_Role_OrgAccess this_ where this_.AD_Role_ID=$1 and this_.AD_Client_ID=$2 and this_.AD_Org_ID=$3 and this_.AD_Org_ID in ($4, $5, $6) and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($7, $8) and this_.IsActive=$9 9999 select this_.M_DiscountSchema_ID as M1_183_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_183_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_183_0_, this_.IsActive as IsActive183_0_, this_.Created as Created183_0_, this_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy183_0_, this_.Updated as Updated183_0_, this_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy183_0_, this_.Name as Name183_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_183_0_, this_.ValidFrom as ValidFrom183_0_, this_.DiscountType as Discoun12_183_0_, this_.Script as Script183_0_, this_.FlatDiscount as FlatDis14_183_0_, this_.IsQuantityBased as IsQuant15_183_0_, this_.CumulativeLevel as Cumulat16_183_0_, this_.Processing as Processing183_0_ from M_DiscountSchema this_ where this_.AD_Org_ID in ($1, $2, $3) and this_.Name=$4 and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($5, $6) and this_.IsActive=$7 39996 select this_.Idl_Entities_ID as Idl1_134_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_134_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_134_0_, this_.Isactive as Isactive134_0_, this_.Created as Created134_0_, this_.Createdby as Createdby134_0_, this_.Updated as Updated134_0_, this_.Updatedby as Updatedby134_0_, this_.Name as Name134_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_134_0_, this_.Classname as Classname134_0_ from IDL_Entities this_ where this_.AD_Org_ID in ($1, $2, $3) and this_.Name=$4 and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($5, $6) and this_.Isactive=$7 39996 select this_.Idl_Fields_ID as Idl1_216_0_, this_.AD_Client_ID as AD2_216_0_, this_.AD_Org_ID as AD3_216_0_, this_.Isactive as Isactive216_0_, this_.Created as Created216_0_, this_.Createdby as Createdby216_0_, this_.Updated as Updated216_0_, this_.Updatedby as Updatedby216_0_, this_.Name as Name216_0_, this_.Description as Descrip10_216_0_, this_.Idl_Entities_ID as Idl11_216_0_, this_.Defaultvalue as Default12_216_0_, this_.Datatype as Datatype216_0_ from IDL_Fields this_ where this_.AD_Org_ID in ($1, $2, $3) and this_.Name=$4 and this_.Idl_Entities_ID=$5 and this_.AD_Client_ID in ($6, $7) and this_.Isactive=$8