RMA,A Raw material,100,Raw material for BOMs,RM RMB,B Raw material,100,Raw material for BOMs,RM RMC,C Raw material,100,Raw material for BOMs,RM BOMA,A BOM,100,Bill of material for manufacturing. The result of RMA+RMB,BOM BOMB,B BOM,100,Bill of material for manufacturing. The result of RMB+RMC,BOM BOMC,C BOM,100,Bill of material for manufacturing. The result of RMC+RMA,BOM FGA,A Final goods,100,Manufacturing product. The result of BOMA+BOMB,FG FGB,B Final goods,100,Manufacturing product. The result of BOMB+BOMC,FG FGC,C Final goods,100,Manufacturing product. The result of BOMC+BOMA,FG