Limit (cost=16775.64..16790.14 rows=100 width=2415) (actual time=15016.023..15016.188 rows=4 loops=1) -> Unique (cost=16775.64..16883.37 rows=743 width=2415) (actual time=15016.023..15016.187 rows=4 loops=1) -> Sort (cost=16775.64..16777.49 rows=743 width=2415) (actual time=15016.017..15016.023 rows=137 loops=1) Sort Key: (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.priority ELSE obawo_getchildtaskm axpriority(COALESCE(obawo_task0_.obawo_receptionlist_id, obawo_task0_.obawo_pickinglist_id), '100'::character varying) END) DESC, (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.obawo_travel_sequence ELSE '000000000'::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bp char) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN locator6_.value ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_tas k0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN locator5_.value ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwit hri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.created ELSE obawo_rece1_.created END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar) ) THEN obawo_task0_.obawo_task_id ELSE COALESCE(obawo_task0_.obawo_receptionlist_id, obawo_task0_.obawo_pickinglist_id) END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.m_product_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_tas k0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN ad_column_identifier_std('m_product'::character varying, product22_.m_product_id) ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task 0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN btrim((product22_.upc)::text) ELSE NULL::text END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN uom17_.c_uom_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (ob awo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_getauomgtin(uom17_.c_uom_id, product22_.m_product_id) ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgrou p = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_getauomconversionrate(uom17_.c_uom_id, product22_.m_product_id) ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CAS E WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN uom24_.c_uom_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0 _.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN attributes26_.m_attributeset_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN (( haveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN attributes11_.m_attributesetinstance_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0 _.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN attributes11_.description ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveas group = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN m_getjsondescription(attributes11_.m_attributesetinstance_id, 'Y'::character varying, '140'::character va rying) ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.expected_qty ELS E NULL::numeric END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.expected_locator_to_id ELSE NULL::ch aracter varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN locator5_.barcode ELSE NULL::character varying EN D), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN locator6_.m_locator_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHE N ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN locator6_.barcode ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.b ehaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.expected_m_refinventory_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task 0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN materialmg15_.value ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.confirmed_m_refinventory_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveas group = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN materialmg16_.value ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpc har) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN materialmg10_.m_refinventory_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN materialmg10_.value ELSE NULL::character varying END), obawo_inte12_.isexternalrouting, (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgro up = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_inte12_.externalwarehouse_scope ELSE NULL::character varying END), obawo_inte12_.isremovereference, (C ASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_inte19_.obawo_internal_routing_area_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_inte21_.obawo_internal_routing_area_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_inte12_.obawo_internal_routing_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN obawo_task0_.obawo_inv_tran_type_id ELSE NULL::character varying END), (CASE WHEN ((obawo_task0_.behaveasgroup = 'N'::bpchar) AND (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar)) THEN false ELSE true END), (CASE WHEN (obawo_task0_.behaveasgroupwithri = 'N'::bpchar) THEN false ELSE true END), obawo_task13_.obawo_task_type_id, obawo_task13_.color,, obawo_task13_.value, obawo_task13_.obawo_base_task_type_id, obawo_base14_.value,, obawo_batc2_.obawo_batchoftasks_id, obawo_batc2_.documentno, obawo_batc2_.created, obawo_rece1_.obawo_receptionlist_id, obawo_rece1_.documentno, obawo_rece1_.created, obawo_rece1_.issotrx, obawo_pick3_.obawo_pickinglist_id, obawo_pick3_.documentno, obawo_pick3_.created, materialmg4_.m_refinventory_id, materialmg4_.value, (COALESCE(obawo_task0_.document_info, ' '::character varying)) Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 95kB -> Hash Left Join (cost=1182.55..16740.21 rows=743 width=2415) (actual time=114.853..15014.148 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((product25_.m_attributeset_id)::text = (attributes26_.m_attributeset_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=1160.84..15654.05 rows=743 width=2989) (actual time=7.324..71.957 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.m_product_id)::text = (product25_.m_product_id)::text) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=966.28..15457.54 rows=743 width=2956) (actual time=6.352..70.652 rows=137 loops=1) -> Hash Left Join (cost=966.14..15339.03 r=743 width=2896) (actual time=6.323..69.615 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.m_product_id)::text = (product23_.m_product_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=771.58..15142.52 rows=743 width=2874) (actual time=5.539..68.486 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.m_product_id)::text = (product22_.m_product_id)::text) -> Nested Loop Anti Join (cost=577.02..14946.01 rows=743 width=2763) (actual time=4.192..66.833 rows=137 loops=1) Join Filter: ((obawo_erro27_.obawo_task_id)::text = (obawo_task0_.obawo_task_id)::text) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=576.88..14915.34 rows=743 width=2763) (actual time=4.188..66.595 rows=137 loops=1) -> Hash Left Join (cost=576.74..14788.14 rows=743 width=2763) (actual time=4.179..66.138 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.confirmed_m_refinventory_id)::text = (materialmg16_.m_refinventory_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=463.29..14672.74 rows=743 width=2754) (actual time=3.547..65.182 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.expected_m_refinventory_id)::text = (materialmg15_.m_refinventory_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=349.84..14557.34 rows=743 width=2745) (actual time=2.859..64.197 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text = (obawo_inte18_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=347.23..14544.51 rows=743 width=2696) (actual time=2.829..63.797 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text = (obawo_inte20_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text) -> Nested Loop (cost=344.61..14531.68 rows=743 width=2614) (actual time=2.794..63.465 rows=137 loops=1) Join Filter: ((obawo_task13_.obawo_base_task_type_id)::text = (obawo_base14_.obawo_base_task_type_id)::text) Rows Removed by Join Filter: 274 -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=344.61..14486.77 rows=743 width=2378) (actual time=2.782..62.927 rows=137 loops=1) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=344.19..8465.99 rows=743 width=2326 (actual time=2.757..48.432 rows=137 loops=1) -> Hash Join (cost=343.91..8246.03 rows=743 width=2317) (actual time=2.742..42.608 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_task_type_id)::text = (obawo_task13_.obawo_task_type_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=341.08..8241.02 rows=743 width=1812 (actual time=2.694..42.246 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text = (obawo_inte12_.obawo_internal_routing_id)::text) -> Nested Loop Left Join (cost=339.74..8237.18 rows=743 width=1576) (actual time=2.668..41.902 rows=137 loops=1) -> Hash Left Join (cost=339.32..2446.26 rows=743 width=1576) (actual time=2.637..7.614 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.expected_locator_from_id)::text = (locator6_.m_locator_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=337.96..2442.44 rows=743 width=1351) (actual time=2.621..7.332 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.expected_locator_to_id)::text = (locator5_.m_locator_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=336.60..2438.61 rows=743 width=1175) (actual time=2.596..7.035 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_batchoftasks_id)::text = (obawo_batc2_.obawo_batchoftasks_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=109.27..2209.34 rows=743 width=1166) (actual time=0.719..4.898 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_receptionlist_id)::text = (obawo_rece1_.obawo_receptionlist_id)::text) -> Hash Left Join (cost=97.92..2196.04 rows=743 width=990) (actual time=0.707..4.646 rows=137 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_task0_.obawo_pickinglist_id)::text = (obawo_pick3_.obawo_pickinglist_id)::text) -> Index Scan using obawo_task_status_ix on obawo_task obawo_task0_ (cost=0.42..2095.72 rows=743 width=846) (actual time=0.031..3.587 rows=137 loops=1) Index Cond: ((status)::text = 'AV'::text) Filter: (((ad_user_id)::text = '100'::text) AND ((m_warehouse_id)::text = 'FCA81F56E9E643E096E86F5F379459FB'::text)) Rows Removed by Filter: 852 -> Hash (cost=97.30..97.30 rows=16 width=210) (actual time=0.665..0.665 rows=16 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 11kB -> Hash Right Join (cost=1.36..97.30 rows=16 width=210) (actual time=0.031..0.658 rows=16 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((materialmg4_.m_refinventory_id)::text = (obawo_pick3_.m_refinventory_id)::text) -> Seq Scan on m_refinventory materialmg4_ (cost=0.00..88.20 rows=2020 width=42) (actual time=0.008..0.429 rows=2020 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.16..1.16 rows=16 width=250) (actual time=0.016..0.016 rows=16 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_pickinglist obawo_pick3_ (cost=0.00..1.16 rows=16 width=250) (actual time=0.007..0.009 rows=16 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=10.60..10.60 rows=60 width=176) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 8kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_receptionlist obawo_rece1_ (cost=0.00..10.60 rows=60 width=176) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=176.59..176.59 rows=4059 width=42) (actual time=1.865..1.865 rows=4059 loops=1) Buckets: 4096 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 350kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_batchoftasks obawo_batc2_ (cost=0.00..176.59 rows=4059 width=42) (actual time=0.008..1.144 rows=4059 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.16..1.16 rows=16 width=258) (actual time=0.014..0.014 rows=16 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Seq Scan on m_locator locator5_ (cost=0.00..1.16 rows=16 width=258) (actual time=0.008..0.010 rows=16 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.16..1.16 rows=16 width=258) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=16 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Seq Scan on m_locator locator6_ (cost=0.00..1.16 rows=16 width=258) (actual time=0.002..0.004 rows=16 loops=1) -> Index Scan using m_storage_detail_key on m_storage_detail materialmg9_ (cost=0.42..7.79 rows=1 width=66) (actual time=0.245..0.245 rows=1 loops=137) Index Cond: ((obawo_task0_.m_storage_detail_id)::text = (m_storage_detail_id)::text) -> Hash (cost=1.15..1.15 rows=15 width=236) (actual time=0.014..0.014 rows=15 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_internal_routing obawo_inte12_ (cost=0.00..1.15 rows=15 width=236) (actual time=0.007..0.010 rows=15 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=2.37..2.37 rows=37 width=538) (actual time=0.036..0.036 rows=37 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 13kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_task_type obawo_task13_ (cost=0.00..2.37 rows=37 width=538) (actual time=0.012..0.024 rows=37 loops=1) -> Index Scan using m_refinventory_key on m_refinventory materialmg10_ (cost=0.28..0.30 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=0.039..0.039 rows=1 loops=137) Index Cond: ((materialmg9_.m_refinventory_id)::text = (m_refinventory_id)::text) -> Index Scan using m_attributesetinstance_key on m_attributesetinstance attributes11_ (cost=0.42..8.10 rows=1 width=85) (actual time=0.102..0.102 rows=1 loops=137) Index Cond: ((obawo_task0_.expected_attribute_id)::text = (m_attributesetinstance_id)::text) -> Materialize (cost=0.00..1.06 rows=4 width=318) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=3 loops=137) -> Seq Scan on obawo_base_task_type obawo_base14_ (cost=0.00..1.04 rows=4 width=318) (actual time=0.006..0.006 rows=3 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=2.43..2.43 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.028..0.028 rows=15 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Hash Left Join (cost=1.23..2.43 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.019..0.025 rows=15 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_inte20_.internal_routing_area_to_id)::text = (obawo_inte21_.obawo_internal_routing_area_id)::text) -> Seq Scan on obawo_internal_routing obawo_inte20_ (cost=0.00..1.15 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.001..0.002 rows=15 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.10..1.10 rows=10 width=82) (actual time=0.011..0.011 rows=10 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_internal_routing_area obawo_inte21_ (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=10 width=82) (actual time=0.006..0.007 rows=10 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=2.43..2.43 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.023..0.023 rows=15 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 10kB -> Hash Left Join (cost=1.23..2.43 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.013..0.018 rows=15 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((obawo_inte18_.internal_routing_area_from_id)::text = (obawo_inte19_.obawo_internal_routing_area_id)::text) -> Seq Scan on obawo_internal_routing obawo_inte18_ (cost=0.00..1.15 rows=15 width=164) (actual time=0.001..0.002 rows=15 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.10..1.10 rows=10 width=82) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=10 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB -> Seq Scan on obawo_internal_routing_area obawo_inte19_ (cost=0.00..1.10 rows=10 width=82) (actual time=0.001..0.002 rows=10 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=88.20..88.20 rows=2020 width=42) (actual time=0.677..0.677 rows=2020 loops=1) Buckets: 2048 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 163kB -> Seq Scan on m_refinventory materialmg15_ (cost=0.00..88.20 rows=2020 width=42) (actual time=0.002..0.349 rows=2020 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=88.20..88.20 rows=2020 width=42) (actual time=0.624..0.624 rows=2020 loops=1) Buckets: 2048 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 163kB -> Seq Scan on m_refinventory materialmg16_ (cost=0.00..88.20 rows=2020 width=42) (actual time=0.002..0.298 rows=2020 loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using c_uom_key on c_uom uom17_ (cost=0.14..0.17 rows=1 width=82) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=0 loops=137) Index Cond: (c_uom_id = (obawo_task0_.c_aum)::text) Heap Fetches: 0 -> Materialize (cost=0.14..19.53 rows=1 width=82) (actual time=0.000..0.000 rows=0 loops=137) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.14..19.52 rows=1 width=82) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) -> Seq Scan on obawo_errors obawo_erro28_ (cost=0.00..11.35 rows=1 width=82) (actual time=0.002..0.002 rows=0 loops=1) Filter: (((taskstatus)::text = 'N'::text) AND (blocks = 'Y'::bpchar)) -> Index Scan using obawo_idx_errortask_error on obawo_error_task obawo_erro27_ (cost=0.14..8.16 rows=1 width=164) (never executed) Index Cond: ((obawo_errors_id)::text = (obawo_erro28_.obawo_errors_id)::text) -> Hash (cost=165.36..165.36 rows=2336 width=111) (actual time=1.332..1.332 rows=2336 loops=1) Buckets: 4096 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 181kB -> Seq Scan on m_product product22_ (cost=0.00..165.36 rows=2336 width=111) (actual time=0.008..0.967 rows=2336 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=165.36..165.36 rows=2336 width=55) (actual time=0.767..0.767 rows=2336 loops=1) Buckets: 4096 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 233kB -> Seq Scan on m_product product23_ (cost=0.00..165.36 rows=2336 width=55) (actual time=0.003..0.378 rows=2336 loops=1) -> Index Only Scan using c_uom_key on c_uom uom24_ (cost=0.14..0.16 rows=1 width=82) (actual time=0.004..0.004 rows=1 loops=137) Index Cond: (c_uom_id = (product23_.c_uom_id)::text) Heap Fetches: 137 -> Hash (cost=165.36..165.36 rows=2336 width=66) (actual time=0.955..0.955 rows=2336 loops=1) Buckets: 4096 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 205kB -> Seq Scan on m_product product25_ (cost=0.00..165.36 rows=2336 width=66) (actual time=0.002..0.568 rows=2336 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=16.87..16.87 rows=387 width=32) (actual time=0.150..0.150 rows=387 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 33kB -> Seq Scan on m_attributeset attributes26_ (cost=0.00..16.87 rows=387 width=32) (actual time=0.004..0.090 rows=387 loops=1) Planning time: 29.236 ms Execution time: 15016.939 ms (131 rows)