Openbravo Issue Tracking System - Openbravo ERP
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0010318Openbravo ERPI. Performancepublic2009-08-18 16:232009-10-06 11:09
0010318: Big performance issue on PostgreSQL with large table data
We've spotted a problem in Openbravo that it's not a blocker, but it's definetely a pain when working on tables with a lot of records.
We only noticed this issue with PostgreSQL.

The problem is like this, on certain pages if you have something like 200K records in the corresponding table(for example Sales Order, Business Partner, User, etc.) then the edit page takes something like 15 seconds to load.
At first we couldn't believe that the number of records can influence the application like this so we started profiling.
All the test showed us that all the extra time was spent on some small selects(for example SalesOrder.HeaderData.selectDef2166_0();).

Using Openbravo, the query took 2 ms on the Openbravo sample database(~0 records in the table) which is comparable to PgAdmin's 1ms response time.
When doing the same query on 200K records database, the Openbravo query took 1700ms in comparison to PgAdmin's 2ms.
Have a few of this when loading a page and you will notice a real delay.
This is the query:

<SqlMethod name="selectDef2166_0" type="preparedStatement" return="String" default="">
    <SqlMethodComment>Select for auxiliar field</SqlMethodComment>
            SELECT ( COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table1.Name), '') ) as CreatedBy FROM AD_User table1 WHERE table1.isActive='Y' AND table1.AD_User_ID = ?
    <Parameter name="CreatedByR" />

It looks OK, and if you test it using PgAdmin you won't be able to reproduce the slow response; not even with JDBC if you don't know what the problem is.
This is where we got lucky <> [^]
This is the explanation:
- each time you send a bad parameter type to PostgreSQL it first tries to match a propper type to that parameter instead of throwing an error
- in this case the parameter type should be Int but Openbravo sets it as String
- for each row in the table PostgreSQL is trying the type match
- thus for small tables you won't see any delay but for large tables the delay grows exponentialy
- so, the more records you have in a table, the longer it will take to retrieve one
- the problem is reproducible with JDBC if you use the above query and set the parameter using preparedStatement.setString() instead of preparedStatement.setInt()

This is the Openbravo Bug:
- when generating combo boxes selects, use int for the xsql parameter type OR
- generate a TO_NUMBER(?) instead of ? in the prepared statement string

As PostgreSQL is more and more accepted as an Enterprise RDBMS, more and more Openbravo partners will face this problem.
No tags attached.
related to defect 0010344 closed shuehner org.openbravo.erpCommon.utility.ComboTableData performance issue on PostgreSQL 
related to backport 00115302.40MP12 closed shuehner Time response of query generated by WAD is very high 
blocks defect 0004038 closed shuehner Slow compilation in sqlC part due to high amount of data 
diff wad-tonumber.diff (2,279) 2009-08-31 17:56
Issue History
2009-08-18 16:23klawandronicNew Issue
2009-08-18 16:23klawandronicAssigned To => rafaroda
2009-08-18 16:25klawandronicIssue Monitored: klawandronic
2009-08-18 16:51rafarodaNote Added: 0019010
2009-08-18 16:51rafarodaAssigned Torafaroda => shuehner
2009-08-18 16:51rafarodaPrioritynormal => urgent
2009-08-18 16:51rafarodaSeveritycritical => major
2009-08-18 16:51rafarodaStatusnew => acknowledged
2009-08-18 17:57villindIssue Monitored: villind
2009-08-18 18:03shuehnerPriorityurgent => high
2009-08-18 18:08villindNote Added: 0019013
2009-08-18 19:34shuehnerNote Added: 0019014
2009-08-19 08:02klawandronicNote Added: 0019032
2009-08-19 08:09villindNote Added: 0019033
2009-08-19 09:29shuehnerNote Added: 0019038
2009-08-19 09:32shuehnerNote Added: 0019039
2009-08-19 10:10klawandronicNote Added: 0019041
2009-08-19 11:00klawandronicNote Added: 0019047
2009-08-20 06:38rafarodaRelationship addedrelated to 0010344
2009-08-31 17:56villindFile Added: wad-tonumber.diff
2009-08-31 17:57villindNote Added: 0019354
2009-09-14 19:05shuehnerNote Added: 0019929
2009-09-14 19:21shuehnerRelationship addedblocks 0004038
2009-09-15 17:53hgbotCheckin
2009-09-15 17:53hgbotNote Added: 0020081
2009-09-15 17:53hgbotStatusacknowledged => resolved
2009-09-15 17:53hgbotResolutionopen => fixed
2009-09-15 17:53hgbotFixed in SCM revision => [^]
2009-09-18 13:23psarobeStatusresolved => closed
2009-09-18 13:23psarobeFixed in Version => 2.50MP6
2009-09-19 00:00anonymoussf_bug_id0 => 2861726
2009-09-23 15:39shuehnerRelationship addedrelated to 0010715
2009-09-23 15:40shuehnerRelationship deletedrelated to 0010715
2009-09-29 12:02hgbotCheckin
2009-09-29 12:02hgbotNote Added: 0020435
2009-09-29 12:02hgbotStatusclosed => resolved
2009-09-29 12:02hgbotFixed in SCM revision [^] => [^]
2009-10-06 11:09psarobeStatusresolved => closed
2009-10-06 11:09psarobeNote Added: 0020740
2009-12-14 22:05shuehnerRelationship addedrelated to 0011530

2009-08-18 16:51   

Could you please comment on this performance issue?

Thank you.
2009-08-18 18:08   
One other possible solution would be fixing the following method: ps, int posicion, int tipo, String strDefault, String strValor)

Instead of the current type binding the correct type binding can requested from the PreparedStatement metadata.
2009-08-18 19:34   
Hi villind,

this does unfortunately not work on oracle as getPreparedStatement metadata there is not implemented, so the only way to get the needed parameter datatype information would be to add it as an attribute to the sqlc parameter definition.

This was checked when the postgres 8.3 support was done and decided against it. Instead the to_number casts were introduced to do the needed typecasts.

However, i am not yet convinced that these sql is the performance culprit for klawandronic, as the select shown filter by the tables primary key. I'll need to work with him to verify this claim, or find another cause.
2009-08-19 08:02   
Hi shuehner,

Just for the record, Ville is one of the guys helping us identify this issue.

The UtilSql.setValue(PreparedStatement ps, int posicion, int tipo, String strDefault, String strValor) method could do it, but in order for the "tipo" parameter to be set correctly, the "type" argument in the sqlc paramater tag must be set. We tried to find an example on this one, even tried to use type="22", type="long", type="0", etc. with no result. Now I can see that you gave up on the usage of this parameter, so that's no use. We're stuck with generating TO_NUMBER(?).

Let me know what info can I provide to help you get to the conclusion that this is the issue behind the bad performance.

We were able to get to this conclusion after we've created a new java project and performing the same query(without TO_NUMBER) on the large database with different prepared statement set methods. These are the results:

- preparedStatement.setInt(1, 1000039); // as type should be
the response time was 27ms

- preparedStatement.setObject(1, "1000039"); // as stated in the link provided above
the response time was 2921ms

- preparedStatement.setString(1, "1000039"); // as generated by Openbravo
the response time was 2259ms

If we use the same query but with TO_NUMBER then

- preparedStatement.setString(1, "1000039"); // as generated by Openbravo
the response time was 29ms

Thus the conclusion that TO_NUMBER(?) must be used ... as long as there is no way to do the correct type cast in UtilSql.setValue(...)

I have the same skype/ymess/gtalk ids if you want to contact me directly for additional info.

2009-08-19 08:09   
To reproduce the same/similar issue with pgadmin/psql

1. Correct data types -> index is used
SELECT ( COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table1.Name), '') ) as BM_Delivery_Bpartner_ID
FROM C_BPartner table1
WHERE table1.isActive='Y' AND table1.C_BPartner_ID = 1000039

2. Incorrect datatypes -> no index is used
SELECT ( COALESCE(TO_CHAR(table1.Name), '') ) as BM_Delivery_Bpartner_ID
FROM C_BPartner table1
WHERE table1.isActive='Y' AND to_char(table1.C_BPartner_ID) = '1000039'
2009-08-19 09:29   
klawandronic: The code in Sqlc is not complete regarding the use of a datatype for setValue. Part of the infrastructure is there as you found, but not type attribute for the Parameter tag is parsed, so you cannot specify a type. Which leads to the not working which you see.
2009-08-19 09:32   
villind: Thanks for rechecking, We have one more reason to change this even. Which 8.3 postgres did remove most of the automatic type-cast completely so a to_number (or usage of correct jdbc-type) is needed in nearly all cases passing parameters, which leads to the general rule of always doing (in 2.40 only) the to_number call around preparedStatement argumentss for id-values. The rule seems to be missed here, i'll take a look to reproduce locally and fix.
2009-08-19 10:10   
I think I found a dirty fix.

In, method private void processTabXSQL( ... ), in the default fields section(see comment in code) replace

fields.append( " AND table1." + fieldsDef[i].name + " = ? " );


if( fieldsDef[i].name.indexOf( "_ID" ) > 0 || fieldsDef[i].name.indexOf( "_id" ) > 0 )
                        fields.append( " AND table1." + fieldsDef[i].name + " = TO_NUMBER(?) " );
                        fields.append( " AND table1." + fieldsDef[i].name + " = ? " );

I cannot tell the line number because I've reformatted the code.

Anyway this is a dirty fix, please let me know if there is a cleaner way to do it.

2009-08-19 11:00   
The bigger problem is that Openbravo is missing type casts in more than one place.

After eliminating the problem in combo-boxes with the above fix, at least the following method is also running slow;

with the same issue.
2009-08-31 17:57   
Attached cleaner patch to work around this issue.
2009-09-14 19:05   
Status: The patch provided by villind is committed 2.40 branch. Thanks villind!)

Nice side-effect: This speeds up the srcAD part of Sqlc at compile time by about 15s (50%) in a local testcase.
2009-09-15 17:53   
Repository: erp/stable/2.40
Changeset: 86cfdaef60381370572dc4904a7446c567330c37
Author: Stefan Hühner <stefan.huehner <at>>
Date: Mon Sep 14 19:01:38 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed 10318: Improve performance of generated windows on postgres >=8.3
Committed patch written by Ville Lindfors.
The xsql files for the generated windows was missing some to_number calls,
which in this case was syntactically ok but lead to bad performance as
only SeqScans were used as a result of the missing to_number calls.

M src-wad/src/org/openbravo/wad/
2009-09-29 12:02   
Repository: erp/stable/2.40_pageddatagrid
Changeset: 86cfdaef60381370572dc4904a7446c567330c37
Author: Stefan Hühner <stefan.huehner <at>>
Date: Mon Sep 14 19:01:38 2009 +0200
URL: [^]

Fixed 10318: Improve performance of generated windows on postgres >=8.3
Committed patch written by Ville Lindfors.
The xsql files for the generated windows was missing some to_number calls,
which in this case was syntactically ok but lead to bad performance as
only SeqScans were used as a result of the missing to_number calls.

M src-wad/src/org/openbravo/wad/
2009-10-06 11:09   
Closed again because hudson has reopened without no reason